I've been following the flink connector wordcount example but when I run
$ flink run -m localhost:6123 -c io.pravega.example.flink.wordcount.WordCountWriter lib/pravega-flink-examples-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar --host localhost --port 9999 --controller tcp://localhost:9090
$ flink run -m localhost:6123 -c io.pravega.example.flink.wordcount.WordCountReader lib/pravega-flink-examples-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar --controller tcp://localhost:9090, the expected behavior is the WordCountWriter and WordCountReader to pop up as a job on the Flink UI, however, it instead gives an error saying channel inactive, failed to submit job graph, and failed to execute job WordCountWriter and WordCountReader.
Also, pravega's latest release is 0.9.1 which is far ahead from 0.2.0 which means that there could be some outdated information on the example README.md.
I suspect that the error regarding failed to execute job WordCountWriter and WordCountReader could be because of outdated info or some problems with the flink run command.
I've been following the flink connector wordcount example but when I run
$ flink run -m localhost:6123 -c io.pravega.example.flink.wordcount.WordCountWriter lib/pravega-flink-examples-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar --host localhost --port 9999 --controller tcp://localhost:9090
and$ flink run -m localhost:6123 -c io.pravega.example.flink.wordcount.WordCountReader lib/pravega-flink-examples-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar --controller tcp://localhost:9090
, the expected behavior is theWordCountWriter
to pop up as a job on the Flink UI, however, it instead gives an error saying channel inactive, failed to submit job graph, and failed to execute job WordCountWriter and WordCountReader.Also, pravega's latest release is 0.9.1 which is far ahead from 0.2.0 which means that there could be some outdated information on the example README.md.
I suspect that the error regarding failed to execute job WordCountWriter and WordCountReader could be because of outdated info or some problems with the
flink run