I followed the demo in the readme and created a 3-node cluster. I saw that the node count was 7 through the srvr command. Then I updated the image and restarted the pods in sequence. When it was updated to pod-0, pod-0 was the leader at this time and the update was completed. Afterwards, the node count of pod-0 was 5, and the data in /zookeeper-operator/zookeeper was lost.
I followed the demo in the readme and created a 3-node cluster. I saw that the node count was 7 through the srvr command. Then I updated the image and restarted the pods in sequence. When it was updated to pod-0, pod-0 was the leader at this time and the update was completed. Afterwards, the node count of pod-0 was 5, and the data in /zookeeper-operator/zookeeper was lost.
apiVersion: "zookeeper.pravega.io/v1beta1" kind: "ZookeeperCluster" metadata: name: "zookeeper" spec: replicas: 3 storageType: ephemeral triggerRollingRestart: true
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