I don't believe I'm hitting the 1000 post limit, though I'm no doubt doing something wrong:
vagrant@precise32:~$ subreddit_stats -d23 -vv -R r_javascript_stats -u r_javascript_stats -p hunter2 javascript
You chose to analyze this subreddit: javascript
Logging in
DEBUG: Fetching submissions
DEBUG: Found 401 submissions
DEBUG: Processing Submitters
DEBUG: Processing Commenters on 401 submissions
Ignored 0 comments (1 MoreComment objects)
Ignored 0 comments (1 MoreComment objects)
You are about to submit to subreddit 'r_javascript_stats' as 'r_javascript_stats'.
Here's my environment:
vagrant@precise32:~$ subreddit_stats --version
BBoe's PRAWtools 0.18
vagrant@precise32:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise
Please let me know if you need additional information!
I'm trying to get results up to 9/1, but it is only returning results up until 8/30 20:08 PDT.
I don't believe I'm hitting the 1000 post limit, though I'm no doubt doing something wrong:
Here's my environment:
Please let me know if you need additional information!