prawnpdf / pdf-core

Implements low level PDF features for Prawn (experimental)
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Validation check issues #14

Closed rusllonrails closed 9 months ago

rusllonrails commented 9 years ago

Hey Guys,

I'm very happy to use prawn :+1:

One small thing I got today is that my generated pdf has some validation issues:

1.4.1 : Trailer Syntax error, The trailer dictionary doesn't contain ID
3.1.1 : Invalid Font definition, Some required fields are missing from the Font dictionary.
3.1.2 : Invalid Font definition, FontDescriptor is null or is a AFM Descriptor
7.1 : Error on MetaData, Missing Metadata Key in catalog

So I use latest version of prawn:

gem 'rails', '4.1.8'
gem 'prawn', git: ""
gem 'pdf_validator'

In rails console:

# I'm generating PDF file:
  :info => {
    :Title        => "My title",
    :Author       => "John Doe",
    :Subject      => "My Subject",
    :Keywords     => "test metadata ruby pdf dry",
    :Creator      => "ACME Soft App",
    :Producer     => "Prawn",
    :CreationDate =>
  }) do

  text "This is a test of setting metadata properties via the info option."
  text "While the keys are arbitrary, the above example sets common attributes."

# Then try to validate generated file with "pdf_validator" gem (
> path_to_pdf = "#{Rails.root}/metadata.pdf"
> res = PdfValidator.validate(path_to_pdf)
> res[:errors].map { |e| puts e }
1.4.1 : Trailer Syntax error, The trailer dictionary doesn't contain ID
3.1.1 : Invalid Font definition, Some required fields are missing from the Font dictionary.
3.1.2 : Invalid Font definition, FontDescriptor is null or is a AFM Descriptor
7.1 : Error on MetaData, Missing Metadata Key in catalog

Then I also uploaded generated "metadata.pdf" file to and got some issues in results:

Validating file "innovation_award_Dec_18_2014(1).pdf" for conformance level pdfa-1a
The file trailer dictionary must have an id key.
The key Metadata is required but missing.
The key MarkInfo is required but missing.
A device-specific color space (DeviceGray) without an appropriate output intent is used.
A device-specific color space (DeviceRGB) without an appropriate output intent is used.
The key F is required but missing. (2)
The value of the key SMask is an image but must be None. (2)
The value of the key CA is 0 but must be 1.0. (2)
The value of the key ca is 0 but must be 1.0. (2)
The font Helvetica-Bold must be embedded.
The font Helvetica-Oblique must be embedded.
The font Helvetica must be embedded.
The document does not conform to the requested standard.
The document contains device-specific color spaces.
The document contains fonts without embedded font programs or encoding information (CMAPs).
The document contains transparency.
The document contains hidden, invisible, non-viewable or non-printable annotations.
The document's meta data is either missing or inconsistent or corrupt.
The document doesn't provide appropriate logical structure information.

Maybe someone is experienced with same issue and know how to fix it.

Thanks for any help :beers:

bousquet commented 9 years ago

Some of these items (document ID in trailer, and ability to add metadata) are addressed in PRs #16 and #17. There's much more work to done for validation under all of the different PDF specs, but these two PRs helped me get PDF/X-1A compatibility to meet my printer's minimum requirements.

rusllonrails commented 9 years ago


pointlessone commented 9 months ago

Validation errors are specific to PDF/A profile. At the moment Prawn doesn't support PDF/A and I personally don't plant to work on it any time soon. I'll be happy to help anyone who decide to contribute PDF/A support.