Open raquelhortab opened 1 year ago
Hi! I got a table with subtables inside. I can successfully control the subtables' column widths but not the main table ones. Here's the code and below the result. If TLDR, important code is towards the end.
tmp_dir = Rails.root.join("tmp") path = tmp_dir + "work_hours_test.pdf" pdf = => PDF::Core::PageGeometry::SIZES["A4"]) title = [[{content: I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.title').upcase, colspan: 3}]] signature_table = pdf.make_table( [ ["#{I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.signature')}:", {image: '/home/raquel/Documents/signature_example.png', :image_height => 70}], [{content: "#{I18n.t('')}: #{"???data firma"}", colspan:2}] ] ) do |table| table.cell_style = {border_width: 0} end headers = [ [{content: pdf.make_table([ [ pdf.make_table([ [{content: I18n.t(''), colspan: 2}], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.name_or_company_name'), "??"], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.nif_cif'), "??"], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.ccc'), "??"], ], width: pdf.bounds.width/2){|table| table.row(0).font_style = :bold }, pdf.make_table([ [{content: I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.worker'), colspan: 2}], [I18n.t(''), ubiquo_user.full_name], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.nif'), "??"], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.social_security_number'), "??"], ], width: pdf.bounds.width/2){|table| table.row(0).font_style = :bold }, ], [{content: "#{I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.month')}: #{"??"}", colspan: 2}], [{content: signature_table, colspan: 2}], ], width: pdf.bounds.width, cell_style: {:background_color => "F1F1F1"}), colspan: 3}], [{content: "", colspan: 3}], [I18n.t(''), I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.schedule'), I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.total_day_hours')] ] month_hours = 0 table_data = work_hours_ranges.group_by(&:date).map do |date, ranges| # (some unimportant code ...) [date, hour_ranges, total_hours] end footer_data = [[{content: "", colspan: 3}], [{content: pdf.make_table([ [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.total_hours'), month_hours], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.expected_hours'), "??"], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.hour_bag'), "??"], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.hour_bag_spent'), "??"], [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.total_balance'), "??"], ]){|table| table.width = pdf.bounds.width table.column_widths = {1 => 50} table.cell_style = {:background_color => "F1F1F1"} table.row(-1).font_style = :bold }, colspan: 3}]] pdf.table(title + headers + table_data + footer_data) do |table| table.header = 4 # blank separators: table.row(2).border_left_width = 0 table.row(2).border_right_width = 0 table.row(-2).border_left_width = 0 table.row(-2).border_right_width = 0 # title style table.row(0).font_style = :bold table.row(0).align = :center # column headers style: table.row(3).font_style = :bold table.row(3).font_style = :bold # ---> ---> IMPORTANT CODE HERE <--- < --- # table.column_widths = {0 => 50, 2 => 50} # I have also tried this way table.column(0).width = 50 table.column(2).width = 50 end page_numbering_options = { at: [pdf.bounds.right - 150, 0], width: 150, align: :right, start_count_at: 1, } pdf.number_pages I18n.t(''), page_numbering_options pdf.render_file path
You can see the footer table respects the widths I've set, but the main content's columns have equal widths.
Thanks in advance!
This is a duplicate of (which has more comment history), so this can be closed.
Hi! I got a table with subtables inside. I can successfully control the subtables' column widths but not the main table ones. Here's the code and below the result. If TLDR, important code is towards the end.
You can see the footer table respects the widths I've set, but the main content's columns have equal widths.
Thanks in advance!