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It looks like some connections stand still waiting with the message "connection in progress" #941

Open fmapelli opened 7 years ago

fmapelli commented 7 years ago

Hi, It's about a month that I couldn't fix my webchat, I think it's something about connections. It looks like some connections stand still waiting with the message "connection in progress" in the webchat What can I do to fix this? Here's the log errors:

2017-07-07 07:47:22 - error: [Uncaught exception] Error: read ECONNRESET stack=Error: read ECONNRESET at errnoException (net.js:905:11) at TCP.onread (net.js:559:19)

2017-07-07 07:48:51 - error: [Uncaught exception] TypeError: Cannot call method 'dispatch' of undefined stack=TypeError: Cannot call method 'dispatch' of undefined at parseIrcLine (/var/chat/KiwiIRC/server/irc/connection.js:987:26) at processIrcLines (/var/chat/KiwiIRC/server/irc/connection.js:904:9) at socketOnData (/var/chat/KiwiIRC/server/irc/connection.js:864:5) at Socket. (/var/chat/KiwiIRC/server/irc/connection.js:334:26) at Socket.emit (events.js:95:17) at Socket. (_streamreadable.js:765:14) at Socket.emit (events.js:92:17) at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:427:10) at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:423:5) at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:166:9)

prawnsalad commented 7 years ago

Well the ECONNRESET error means that the IRC server closed the connection for some reason. Have you checked the IRC servers logs? You can also try running kiwi via ./kiwi -f -v to see extra debugging output.

I can't reproduce that second error, but take a look at the first issue first to make sure that's not causing it.

fmapelli commented 7 years ago

Thank you for answering prawnsalad, Unfortunately I cannot see errors by taping -v. In 5 minutes I collect logs for 100mb! It works correctly for 30 minutes, after that the monitor shows "connection in progress" In this "error phase" I tried to connect with a nickname, but it gives no traces in logs. It's like it does not accept further connections, but actually there are not so much connections on IRC channel. I use the latest version of Kiwi, and added proxy nginx. The resources on the server with kiwi are used at 30% (RAM, CPU).

P.S. here's the only part of log looking interesting: 2017-07-07 15:49:50 - debug: (client 5473) Disconnected 2017-07-07 15:49:50 - debug: (client 5473) Disposing