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Ignoring/unignoring nicknames is case-sensitive #942

Open Robby- opened 7 years ago

Robby- commented 7 years ago

So it turns out the ignoring/unignoring via commands or the checkbox in the nickname list is case-sensitive. A perfect example of this problem is the following: USER-A joins the channel, user-Z sets USER-A on ignore, all good now, user-Z cannot read anything from USER-A anymore. USER-A quits the chat and later returns with the same but lowercase nick user-A (or it may even be someone totally different with the same, lowercase, nick). Now user-Z wants to unignore this nickname, he clicks the nick in the nickname list and the ignore checkbox is checked, so he unchecks it, and Kiwi tells the user the nick was unignored, but in fact it was not. He again clicks the user in the nickname list and the checkbox is once again checked, rinse, repeat. The same happens via the /unignore command. The ignore cannot be removed until the correct casing has been used, only then does Kiwi truly remove it.

This was very confusing to this user, I was able to work around this issue by having him list the ignore list via /ignore and use the correct casing he saw in that list and had him manually unignore via /unignore.