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feature request: better property editing/access in graph #128

Open henlo-birb opened 4 weeks ago

henlo-birb commented 4 weeks ago

Having property editing primarily in separate window is unintuitive and super clunky, especially in a live performance context.

Currently, if you have gone out of your way to show all properties (they are hidden by default), you can double-click to manually type in a value. This sort of works, and would make sense for string properties, but for numerical ones, live tweaking values like this doesn't make much sense. Ideally, there would either be sliders on these properties, like in blender, most other node-graph editor style programs, and the current property editor window; or (even better IMO), something along the lines of number boxes in Max and PureData, where you can click and drag up and down to move the value up and down, with the sensitivity tied to the significant digit the mouse was hovering over when it clicked (you can still double-click to manually type in an exact value).

Here are a few other similar really simple issues with property editing in the graph: - trigger properties can't be triggered by clicking on them - boolean properties need to be double-clicked to be toggled - editing string properties opens in a separate window

This issue is super frustrating to me since Praxis Llive is almost exactly the thing I want out of a programming environment for visuals, but these basic ui issue makes it really annoying for me to use.

neilcsmith-net commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for your suggestions. Once v6 is ready, in a month or so, I intend to look at improving the on-graph editing features. I also want to support editing code within the graph itself. Some good ideas to consider here.