praydog / UEVR

Universal Unreal Engine VR Mod (4.8 - 5.4)
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[FEATURE REQUEST] [UESDK] get access to FVector2D for Widget usage #172

Closed Rebel40 closed 7 months ago

Rebel40 commented 8 months ago


I'm working on a proof of concept; let enduser be able to adjust widget position and scale within uevr. Got this working, but i need access to FVector2D.

Atm doing a object->proces_event() passing function SetRenderTranslation, with a simple struct containing only float x,y.

However when testing with a game, initially it works, but after a while the game crashes... I think i need to pass a FVector2d as a parameter.

Can this be added to UESDK?

praydog commented 8 months ago

FVector2D is a very simple structure you can make yourself and just insert it inside of the structure parameters. It should quite literally be a float[2] if I recall correctly.

praydog commented 8 months ago

You can try padding a char[0x100] onto the end of the parameters. This might fix it.

Rebel40 commented 8 months ago

Hello PrayDog,

Thank you very much for the explanation. I already made a simple struct, so will try padding.

Best regards