praydog / UEVR

Universal Unreal Engine VR Mod (4.8 - 5.4)
3.21k stars 165 forks source link

[Feature Request] Support aiming in top down shooters with twinstick controls. #93

Open supersmo opened 11 months ago

supersmo commented 11 months ago

Support making top down shooter games with twinstick controls work in 1st person.

How the twinstick controls normally behave in these games:

After injection I can make the camera first person and make the movement with the left thumbstick relative to the HMD which is fantastic so movement already works, but I can't do the same for the aiming. The current implementation assumes that right thumbstick spins the character when held in a direction. For top down shooters, holding the right thumbstick to the right sets the rotation of the character to east in world space instead of spinning.

Implementing aim for top down twinstick controlled games would make these games playable in 1st person which would be an entirely new way to experience these games.

Once this is added, implementing snap turn for these types of games would be the next feature request. Depending on the cascade effect maybe snap turn will start to work automagically if we're lucky.

Game tested: HyperJam

supersmo commented 11 months ago

If it helps, I found a free demo of a twinstick shooter on Steam that can be used for testing: HyperParasite

Here's a UEVR config for it: