Currently, we always show Monday as start of weekday. While this is true for most countries, that's not the case for all countries. So in our country config, add a new property like startOfWeekday.
Also it defaults to monday. Only non-mondays should be overriden.
Use Google bard to get overrides.
Here is summary from Bard
Monday: 160 countries
Sunday: 67 countries
Saturday: 12 countries
Friday: 5 countries
Other days: Very few countries
Once this is done, create a tickets in web & mobile to apply this and use this config to start week in prayer time's week view like
Currently, we always show Monday as start of weekday. While this is true for most countries, that's not the case for all countries. So in our country config, add a new property like
.Also it defaults to monday. Only non-mondays should be overriden.
Use Google bard to get overrides.
Here is summary from Bard
Once this is done, create a tickets in web & mobile to apply this and use this config to start week in prayer time's week view like