prdn / pigato

PIGATO - an high-performance Node.js microservices framework
MIT License
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worker heartbeat not working #52

Closed kubi closed 9 years ago

kubi commented 9 years ago

I don't know if i'm reading something wrong, but it seems that heartbeat part of Worker.prototype.onMsg function checks for params that are not passed by Worker.prototype.heartbeat. lacks rid param, and requires clientId that is never used.

Sending heartbeat:

      concurrency: this.conf.concurrency

Heartbeat processing event onMsg requires message to have 5 parameters (and it only has 2)

if (msg.length === 5) {
  clientId = msg[2];
  rid = msg[4];
  if (rid && this.reqs[rid]) {
    this.reqs[rid].liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS;

It's a bit confusing for me ... there are 2 different "livenesses" one is [this|self].liveness and the other is req.liveness. When checking if reply is active req.liveness is tested but stream is still open because testing is done on this.liveness (which on every message is set to HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS)

if (self.liveness <= 0) {
prdn commented 9 years ago



When the Worker receives an heartbeat and the length is === 5, it means that the heartbeat comes directly from a Client for a specific request.

Is more clear now?

prdn commented 9 years ago

ps. what is not working for you? Do you have an example?

kubi commented 9 years ago

I'll try to prepare something over the weekend to show you my problem. In my opinion the internal method heartbeat doesn't work. I do a lot of write() and every time it "ticks" liveness goes down by 1, and after 3-4 times method returns false while stream is still up and running

prdn commented 9 years ago

It's normal that gives you false because it doesn't receive a specific heartbeat for the related rid. Indeed it's not well explained... sorry about that.

prdn commented 9 years ago

To have returning true the related Client should send heartbeats for that specific Request to notify that the interest in the reply is still alive. This is something very unusual anyway, so we may want to improve this. Ideas are appreciated

kubi commented 9 years ago

Thx for your asnwers. I've solved my problem with stream version of client - all i had to do was:

var heartbeat = true,
  pigatoCllient = new pigato.Client();

var stream = pigatoCllient.request('workerName', data)
      .on('data', function(partialData) {} // handle partial data
      .on('end', function() { heartbeat = false; })
      .on('error', function(err) { heartbeat = false; });

// send proper heartbeat;
setInterval(function() {
  stream.heartbeat(); // add heartbeat === true check and clearInterval