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NameResolutionError for #189

Closed chemelli74 closed 9 months ago

chemelli74 commented 9 months ago

I get a consistent failed message:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /pypi/pytest-cov/4.1.0/json (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fefe90da4d0>: Failed to resolve '' ([Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution)"))

Is it a known issue ?


asottile commented 9 months ago

pre-commit ci does not allow network at runtime. please in the future search the issue tracker as there are duplicates. also this is github not email so no need to add a signature to your messages

chemelli74 commented 9 months ago

pre-commit ci does not allow network at runtime. please in the future search the issue tracker as there are duplicates.

Do you mind pointing me to the correct configuration then ? I just added the "ci" section to my pre-commit in order to get autoupdates.

Repo cfg:

also this is github not email so no need to add a signature to your messages

I don't see a signature, but if you are reffering to my name in the end, I just think it's polite.


chemelli74 commented 9 months ago

For future reference, old config:

- repo:
    rev: 1.5.1
      - id: poetry-check
      - id: poetry-lock
        args: ["--no-update"]

new config:

- repo:
    rev: 1.6.0
      - id: poetry-check
        args: ["--lock"]