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Allow specifying target branch for autoupdate PR #37

Closed rkm closed 2 years ago

rkm commented 3 years ago

Hello hello. I had a peek at the other issues but didn't spot this exact question.

For similar tools such as dependabot, you're able to specify the target/base branch that the autoupdate is run against and merged back into. I think pre-commit-ci currently only supports the default branch though, which works well for "live at head" git workflows but not others. Would it be possible to support this feature?

asottile commented 3 years ago really only knows about the default branch and pull request branches, I'm not sure how it would know to discover specific ones

I'm open to the idea but I have no idea how it would work

rkm commented 3 years ago

Yeah I think this would require a configuration value to be stored somewhere, either in a file in the repo or somewhere in the web component. Is that something you're hoping to avoid?

One option could be to have an optional section in .pre-commit-config.yaml which the CI runner could look for.

asottile commented 3 years ago

there will be a section in the pre-commit config at some point. even with that though I don't know how it would work:

sebhmg commented 3 years ago

@asottile, good question indeed about the source of truth, in case various branches have different config value for the auto-update branch. Instead of being in the yaml file, could it be exposed as a configuration option for each repo in the commit-ci account?

asottile commented 3 years ago

accounts are entirely ephemeral (to satisfy a minimal privacy policy). I don't really want to store anything there

sebhmg commented 3 years ago

ok. I would consider it correct if it auto-updates on any branch where the name in the configuration is equal to that same branch name

nightlark commented 2 years ago

We also have some issues with the current way this works (develop branch with main/default branch for releases) - having an option in the configuration file to specify the branch to autoupdate against would be nice.

Given that accounts are ephemeral I think that would mean the default/main branch would need to be the source of truth for the config file autoupdate settings (which should change pretty infrequently). Then that source of truth is telling that the source of truth for autoupdating the hooks is an alternate branch instead of the default. running on pushes to a develop branch might not be essential... it already runs for PRs targeting develop, which should do a decent job of keeping pre-commit checks passing before merging develop to main.

asottile commented 2 years ago

@nightlark yeah that sounds like a reasonable idea.

would something like this satisfy everyone's usecases?

# in the `HEAD` branch for the repository
    autoupdate_branch: develop

that would point the autoupdater to try and rewrite the develop branch instead of whatever origin/HEAD is?

nightlark commented 2 years ago

That's pretty much exactly what I imagined and should cover the two most common git workflows. There are a few other CI systems that have config options that depend on changes being made to a file in the HEAD branch of a repository (GitHub Actions workflow_dispatch not showing a manual trigger button being one such instance), so particularly if this is mentioned in the docs, the behavior wouldn't be unheard of.

Another idea that comes to mind that would significantly increase the flexibility (though more complex to implement on your end) would be if autoupdate_branch was treated as a regex (or GitHub pattern matching and allow using a list for the option) that made the autoupdater try to update any branches in the remote that matched.

e.g. autoupdate_branch: develop|release-.* or autoupdate_branch: ["develop", "release-*"] to autoupdate the develop branch and maintenance branches for releases.

asottile commented 2 years ago

I thought about that, but then it becomes expensive quick (additional HUGE paginated branch query, potentially many many PR creations)

and autoupdate is already kinda pricey -- so I'm probably going to limit it to only one branch

asottile commented 2 years ago

this is done! the docs live here:

thanks again for the issue

nightlark commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that was fast! Looking forward to the new setting taking effect after the updated config makes its way into our main branch this upcoming week.