preaction / Beam-Wire

A simple configuration and dependency injection container
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DSL for creating services in code #11

Open preaction opened 11 years ago

preaction commented 11 years ago

Bread::Board is built around a DSL. Creating a container in code could give an additional way to define services using subrefs. This might be better off as a subclass, Beam::Wire::DSL or something. It could also be a way for users to switch from Bread::Board to Beam::Wire, should that ever be something they want (so maybe it's better to wait until people want to switch, and focus instead on making people want DI in any flavor it is presented).

alnewkirk commented 11 years ago

I think a DSL would go a long way towards attracting Bread::Board users and those that don't like to depend on configuration files (yada yada).