preaction / Dynamocles

Dynamic content server for static websites
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Comment application #1

Open preaction opened 9 years ago

preaction commented 9 years ago

Create a comment app. Other websites provide their ID and a path and allows users to comment on that path

preaction commented 9 years ago

Rely on browser same-origin policy to secure this for now. Require that something like nginx be used to proxy requests. Later we can add key-based site auth.

preaction commented 9 years ago

Comments should be markdown. Create a file-based store to begin with? Comments should be anonymous. Clear all bad tags (Mojo might know how). Put rel=nofollow on all links. Allow replies but don't write a tree.


preaction commented 9 years ago

Rather than do very repetitive things, we're going to use Mojo::Pg for all of this.

Comments will work like this:

<base_url> can be just the base URL of the Comment app, or it can include a domain section.

preaction commented 9 years ago

The idea here is that we are a central microservices platform. Though we will have to study that scaling problem...

preaction commented 9 years ago

We'll need a Markdown parser as well. And we'll need to do that all server-side.