preaction / Statocles

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Tests fail with Mojolicious 6.49 and later #471

Closed eserte closed 8 years ago

eserte commented 8 years ago

See subject.

Statistical analysis (negative theta is bad):

Regression 'mod:Mojolicious'
Name                   Theta          StdErr     T-stat
[0='const']           1.0000          0.1183       8.45
[1='eq_6.38']        -0.0000          0.1673      -0.00
[2='eq_6.40']         0.0000          0.1673       0.00
[3='eq_6.41']         0.0000          0.1449       0.00
[4='eq_6.43']        -0.0000          0.1449      -0.00
[5='eq_6.46']        -0.0000          0.1214      -0.00
[6='eq_6.47']        -0.0625          0.1219      -0.51
[7='eq_6.48']        -0.0000          0.1366      -0.00
[8='eq_6.49']        -1.0000          0.1673      -5.98
[9='eq_6.50']        -1.0000          0.1202      -8.32

R^2= 0.950, N= 77, K= 10
preaction commented 8 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce this. Do you have one of the reports where this happened? Could this be related to #476?

eserte commented 8 years ago

The problem does not happen anymore with Statocles 0.72.

preaction commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks!