preaction / Statocles

Static website CMS
84 stars 33 forks source link

"cpan install Statocles" fails on Windows with Strawberry Perl #515

Open dertuxmalwieder opened 8 years ago

dertuxmalwieder commented 8 years ago

As promised, here's the "test" part from the installation. (Statocles itself builds fine.)


  C:\Perl64\c\bin\dmake.exe -- OK
Running make test
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\css\skeleton.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\blog\index.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\site\style.html (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\site\sitemap.xml.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\site\head_after.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\create\site.yml (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\css\statocles-default.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\blog\index.atom.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\create\page\index.markdown (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\site\header_after.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\plugin\highlight\solarized-dark.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\plugin\highlight\solarized-dark.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\site\style.html (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\site\footer.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\site\navbar_extra.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\plugin\highlight\default.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\plugin\highlight\solarized-light.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\site\navbar_extra.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\site\robots.txt.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\site\head_after.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\blog\index.rss.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\perldoc\source.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\blog\post.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\site\robots.txt.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\layout\full-width.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\blog\index.rss.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\zsh\_statocles (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\create\blog\post.markdown (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\perldoc\source.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\site\sidebar_before.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\perldoc\pod.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\blog\index.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\plugin\highlight\default.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\site\footer.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\blog\index.atom.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\site\header_after.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\plugin\highlight\solarized-light.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\css\statocles-bootstrap.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\blog\post.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\create\script.yml (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\layout\default.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\layout\full-width.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\site\sitemap.xml.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\bootstrap\layout\default.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\perldoc\pod.html.ep (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\css\normalize.css (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Statocles\theme\default\site\sidebar_before.html.ep (unchanged)
"C:\Perl64\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib\lib',     'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/app/*.t t/app/basic/*.t t/app/blog/*.t t/app/perldoc/*.t t/app/role/*.t t/bin/*.t t/command/*.t t/deploy/*.t t/link/*.t t/    page/*.t t/plugin/*.t t/site/*.t t/store/*.t t/template/*.t t/theme/*.t
t/00-compile.t ................ ok
t/00-report-prereqs.t ......... #
# Versions for all modules listed in MYMETA.json (including optional ones):
# === Configure Requires ===
#     Module                  Want Have
#     ----------------------- ---- ----
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker      any 7.16
#     File::ShareDir::Install 0.06 0.10
# === Build Requires ===
#     Module              Want Have
#     ------------------- ---- ----
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker  any 7.16
# === Test Requires ===
#     Module                  Want     Have
#     ------------------- -------- --------
#     Capture::Tiny            any     0.36
#     Dir::Self                any     0.11
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker      any     7.16
#     File::Spec               any     3.63
#     IO::Handle               any     1.36
#     IPC::Open3               any     1.20
#     Storable                 any     2.56
#     Test::Deep               any    1.120
#     Test::Differences       0.64     0.64
#     Test::Exception          any     0.43
#     Test::Lib                any    0.002
#     Test::More          1.001005 1.001014
# === Test Recommends ===
#     Module         Want     Have
#     ---------- -------- --------
#     CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.150005
# === Runtime Requires ===
#     Module                 Want     Have
#     ------------------ -------- --------
#     Beam::Emitter         0.007    1.002
#     Beam::Wire            1.018    1.019
#     DateTime::Moonpig       any     1.03
#     Encode                  any     2.84
#     File::Share             any     0.25
#     Git::Repository         any    1.320
#     Import::Base          0.012    1.002
#     List::UtilsBy          0.09     0.10
#     Mojolicious            6.54     6.61
#     Moo                2.000001 2.001001
#     Path::Tiny            0.084    0.090
#     Pod::Simple            3.31     3.32
#     Pod::Usage::Return      any    0.003
#     Text::Markdown          any 1.000031
#     Text::Unidecode         any     1.27
#     Type::Tiny              any 1.000005
#     Types::Path::Tiny       any    0.005
#     YAML                    any     1.15
#     strict                  any     1.11
#     warnings                any     1.36
# === Runtime Recommends ===
#     Module                           Want    Have
#     ------------------------------- ----- -------
#     HTML::Lint::Pluggable            0.06 missing
#     PPI                               any   1.220
#     Pod::Elemental                    any missing
#     Pod::Weaver                     4.015 missing
#     Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate   any missing
t/00-report-prereqs.t ......... ok
t/app/basic/command.t ......... 1/?                     # Before test: STDIN is interactive
                    # Before test: STDIN is interactive
t/app/basic/command.t ......... ok
t/app/basic/constructor.t ..... ok
t/app/basic/pages.t ........... ok
t/app/blog/command.t .......... 1/?                     # Before test: STDIN is interactive
                    # Before test: STDIN is interactive
                    # Before test: STDIN is interactive

                #   Failed test at t/app/blog/command.t line 375.
                # Compared $data->{"content"}
                #    got : 'Draft body content
                # '
                # expect : 'Draft body content
                # '
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.

            #   Failed test 'check the generated document'
            #   at t/app/blog/command.t line 387.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.

        #   Failed test 'title change creates different folder'
        #   at t/app/blog/command.t line 388.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 6.

    #   Failed test 'create new post'
    #   at t/app/blog/command.t line 390.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'post'
#   at t/app/blog/command.t line 391.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
t/app/blog/command.t .......... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/3 subtests
t/app/blog/constructor.t ...... ok
t/app/blog/pages.t ............ 1/?
    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 156.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 161.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 36.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/index.atom'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 214.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 30.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/index.rss'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 606.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 614.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 11.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/tag/more.atom'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 641.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 8.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/tag/more.rss'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 667.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 675.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 11.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/tag/even-more-more-tags.atom'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 702.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 8.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/tag/even-more-more-tags.rss'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.
t/app/blog/pages.t ............ 37/?
    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 480.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 486.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 11.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/tag/better.atom'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 516.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 8.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/tag/better.rss'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 543.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 551.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 11.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/tag/error-message.atom'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.

    #   Failed test at t/app/blog/pages.t line 580.
    #          got: ''
    #     expected: ''
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 8.

#   Failed test 'html content: /blog/tag/error-message.rss'
#   at t/app/blog/pages.t line 869.
    # Current LC_TIME locale: German_Germany.1252
    # Could not set locale to ru_RU. Still
Undef did not pass type constraint "Str" (in $self->{"type"}) at (eval 298) line 30
    "Str" is a subtype of "Value"
    "Value" is a subtype of "Defined"
    Undef did not pass type constraint "Defined" (in $self->{"type"})
    "Defined" is defined as: (defined($_))
    # Child (blog with two posts in the same day) exited without calling finalize()

#   Failed test 'blog with two posts in the same day'
#   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 79.
t/app/blog/pages.t ............ Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 11/79 subtests
t/app/blog/post_date.t ........ ok
t/app/blog/recent_posts.t ..... ok
t/app/blog/slugs.t ............ ok
t/app/events.t ................ ok
t/app/perldoc/constructor.t ... ok
t/app/perldoc/pages.t ......... 1/? Use of uninitialized value $Pod::Weaver::VERSION in numeric eq (==) at     C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/App/ line 254.
t/app/perldoc/pages.t ......... ok
t/app/role/store.t ............ ok
t/app/template.t .............. ok
t/app/url.t ................... ok
t/bin/statocles.t ............. ok
t/command/apps.t .............. ok
t/command/build_and_deploy.t .. 1/?             # Child (deploy with --clean) exited without calling finalize()

        #   Failed test 'deploy with --clean'
        #   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
        # Child (--clean) exited without calling finalize()

    #   Failed test '--clean'
    #   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
remove_tree failed for C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Temp\hyfKnWzv6d\build_site\deploy_foo\theme\css: cannot remove directory: Directory not empty at     C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/ line 486.
    # Child (deploy site) exited without calling finalize()

#   Failed test 'deploy site'
t/command/build_and_deploy.t .. 2/? #   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 2.
t/command/build_and_deploy.t .. Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 1/2 subtests
t/command/bundle.t ............         # Child (second time does not overwrite hooks) exited without calling finalize()

    #   Failed test 'second time does not overwrite hooks'
    #   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
Error rename on 'C:/Users/hp/AppData/Local/Temp/ykoYZtpxrK/theme/site/footer.html.ep67002120342481' -> 'C:/Users/hp/AppData/Local/Temp/ykoYZtpxrK/theme    /site/footer.html.ep': Permission denied at t/command/bundle.t line 33.
    # Child (theme) exited without calling finalize()

#   Failed test 'theme'
t/command/bundle.t ............ 1/? #   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 13 just after 1.
t/command/bundle.t ............ Dubious, test returned 13 (wstat 3328, 0xd00)
Failed 1/1 subtests
t/command/create.t ............ 1/?     # Git version: 2.010001

        #   Failed test 'nothing on stderr'
        #   at t/command/create.t line 282.
        # STDERR: Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN44 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/Repository/ line 95.
        # Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN40 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/Repository/ line 95.
        # Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN59 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
        # Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN55 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 15.

    #   Failed test 'basic blog site with git'
    #   at t/command/create.t line 321.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN77 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/Repository/ line 95.Warning: unable     to close filehandle GEN73 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/Repository/ line 95.Warning: unable to close     filehandle GEN92 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN88 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.

        #   Failed test 'nothing on stderr'
        #   at t/command/create.t line 337.
        # STDERR: Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN110 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
        # Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN106 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 15.

    #   Failed test 'init in existing git repo'
    #   at t/command/create.t line 376.
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'git deploy'
t/command/create.t ............ 2/? #   at t/command/create.t line 378.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.
t/command/create.t ............ Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/2 subtests
t/command/daemon.t ............ ok
t/command/error.t ............. ok
t/command/help_and_version.t .. ok
t/command/mojo_app.t .......... ok
t/deploy/file.t ............... ok
t/deploy/git.t ................ # Git version: 2.010001
t/deploy/git.t ................ 1/? Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN11 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/Repository/ line 95.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN7 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/Repository/ line 95.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN26 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN22 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN41 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN37 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN56 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN52 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN71 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN67 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN86 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN82 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN101 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN97 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN116 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN112 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN131 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN127 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN146 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN142 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN161 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN157 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN176 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN172 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN191 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN187 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN206 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN202 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN221 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN217 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN236 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN232 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN251 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN247 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN266 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN262 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN281 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN277 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN296 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN292 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN311 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN307 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN326 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN322 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN341 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN337 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN356 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN352 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN371 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN367 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN386 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN382 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN401 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN397 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN416 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN412 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN431 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN427 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN446 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN442 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN461 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN457 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN476 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN472 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN491 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN487 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN506 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN502 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN521 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN517 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN536 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN532 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN551 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN547 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN566 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN562 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN581 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN577 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN596 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN592 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN611 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN607 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN626 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN622 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN641 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN637 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN656 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN652 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN671 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN667 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN686 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN682 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN701 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN697 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN716 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN712 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN731 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN727 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN746 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN742 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN761 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN757 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN776 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN772 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:/Perl64/perl/site/lib/Git/ line 198.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN791 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN787 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 177.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN806 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 174.
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN802 properly: Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl64\cpan\build\Statocles-0.080-4\blib\lib/Statocles/Deploy/     line 174.
        # Child (nothing to deploy bails out without commit) exited without calling finalize()

    #   Failed test 'nothing to deploy bails out without commit'
    #   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
git commit exited with 1

-- CMD --
git commit -m Site update

-- STDOUT --
On branch gh-pages

Untracked files:


nothing added to commit but untracked files present

-- STDERR --

    # Child (deploy) exited without calling finalize()

#   Failed test 'deploy'
t/deploy/git.t ................ 2/? #   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 9 just after 2.
t/deploy/git.t ................ Dubious, test returned 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
Failed 1/2 subtests
t/deprecated.t ................ ok
t/document.t .................. ok
t/image.t ..................... ok
t/link.t ...................... ok
t/link/tree.t ................. ok
t/page/basename.t ............. ok
t/page/content_sections.t ..... ok
t/page/document.t ............. 1/? Invalid data attribute in document "/required.markdown". Data attributes that are not hashes are deprecated and     will be removed in v2.0. Please use a hash instead. See Statocles::Help::Upgrading
Invalid data attribute in document "/links/alternate_single.markdown". Data attributes that are not hashes are deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.     Please use a hash instead. See Statocles::Help::Upgrading
t/page/document.t ............. ok
t/page/file.t ................. ok
t/page/images.t ............... ok
t/page/links.t ................ ok
t/page/list.t ................. ok
t/page/list_item.t ............ ok
t/page/plain.t ................ 1/? [Sun Oct 23 18:11:28 2016] [debug] Render page: /path/to/page.html
[Sun Oct 23 18:11:28 2016] [debug] Render page (cached): /path/to/page.html
t/page/plain.t ................ ok
t/page/type.t ................. ok
t/person.t .................... ok
t/plugin/highlight.t .......... skipped: Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate needed
t/plugin/html_lint.t .......... skipped: HTML::Lint::Pluggable v0.06 or higher needed
t/plugin/link_check.t ......... ok
t/site/build_and_deploy.t ..... ok
t/site/constructor.t .......... ok
t/site/data.t ................. ok
t/site/events.t ............... ok
t/site/index.t ................ ok
t/site/nav.t .................. ok
t/site/plugin.t ............... ok
t/site/sitemap_and_robots.t ... ok
t/site/template.t ............. ok
t/site/url.t .................. ok
t/site/warnings.t ............. ok
t/store/constructor.t ......... 1/? [Sun Oct 23 18:12:07 2016] [warn] Store path "C:/Perl64/cpan/build/Statocles-0.080-4/t/share/DOES_NOT_EXIST" does     not exist
t/store/constructor.t ......... ok
t/store/document.t ............ ok
t/store/file.t ................ ok
t/template/basic.t ............ ok
t/template/content.t .......... ok
t/template/include.t .......... ok
t/template/markdown.t ......... ok
t/theme/check.t ............... ok
t/theme/helper.t .............. ok
t/theme/pages.t ............... ok
t/theme/template.t ............ ok
t/types.t ..................... ok
t/util.t ...................... 1/? Der Befehl "HOPEFULLY_DOES_NOT_EXIST" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.

        #   Failed test 'threw Regexp ((?^:Failed to invoke editor "HOPEFULLY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": .*\n))'
        #   at t/util.t line 76.
        # expecting: Regexp ((?^:Failed to invoke editor "HOPEFULLY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": .*\n))
        # found: Editor "HOPEFULLY_DOES_NOT_EXIST" exited with error (non-zero) status: 1
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'editor set but invalid'
    #   at t/util.t line 77.
        # Child (editor dies by signal) exited without calling finalize()

    #   Failed test 'editor dies by signal'
    #   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
Can't find Unicode property definition "e" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/Editor "C:\Pe <-- HERE rl64\perl\bin\perl.exe C:/Perl64/cpan/build/    Statocles-0.080-4/t/share/bin/ --signal TERM" died from signal \d+\n/ at t/util.t line 84, <DATA> line 2125.
    # Child (run_editor) exited without calling finalize()

#   Failed test 'run_editor'
#   at C:/Perl64/perl/lib/Test/ line 279.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 3.
t/util.t ...................... Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 1/3 subtests

Test Summary Report
t/app/blog/command.t        (Wstat: 256 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  3
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/app/blog/pages.t          (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 79 Failed: 11)
  Failed tests:  10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31, 40, 43, 49, 52
  Non-zero exit status: 255
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/command/build_and_deploy.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  2
  Non-zero exit status: 255
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/command/bundle.t          (Wstat: 3328 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  1
  Non-zero exit status: 13
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/command/create.t          (Wstat: 256 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  2
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/deploy/git.t              (Wstat: 2304 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  2
  Non-zero exit status: 9
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/util.t                    (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  3
  Non-zero exit status: 255
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=71, Tests=344, 207 wallclock secs ( 0.59 usr +  0.48 sys =  1.08 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 7/71 test programs. 17/344 subtests failed.
dmake.exe:  Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic'
  C:\Perl64\c\bin\dmake.exe test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports PREACTION/Statocles-0.080.tar.gz
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'P/PR/PREACTION/Statocles-0.080.tar.gz'.
Failed during this command:
 PREACTION/Statocles-0.080.tar.gz             : make_test NO
preaction commented 8 years ago

Wow. I clearly have neglected Windows for too long. There's at least 7 issues here:

Looks like 3 of them I already knew about and reported in #472 and one other is in #110.

TL;DR: I need to make a Windows VM. It needs to have German or some other language pack installed.

If you can help triage and trace the ones I don't understand, that would be super helpful. I've been away from Windows since early XP days, so I don't know a lot about how Windows differs from Unix-likes.

dertuxmalwieder commented 8 years ago

The t/app/blog/command.t has to be a line-ending problem or an encoding problem

Depends. I could change it. What are the expected settings?

preaction commented 8 years ago

On Oct 24, 2016, at 1:29 PM, Cthulhux wrote:

The t/app/blog/command.t has to be a line-ending problem or an encoding problem

Depends. I could change it. What are the expected settings?

I mean on Statocles's side. Either it's expecting an encoding or it's expecting a line ending and it's not getting it. It's hard to tell because whatever the problem is looks invisible...

But, for triage's sake, does the bug disappear if you're in a US English locale?

dertuxmalwieder commented 8 years ago

How can I change the test language?

preaction commented 8 years ago

On Windows? Excellent question. Maybe it's this? I think it's more that you have to change it for the whole machine temporarily.

Otherwise, you might be able to edit the test file to do a call to POSIX::setlocale with something like use POSIX qw( setlocale LC_ALL ); setlocale( LC_ALL, "C" );

dertuxmalwieder commented 8 years ago

Restart the computer to apply the change.

Nah, not worth it. I'll just edit the test file. :-)

dertuxmalwieder commented 8 years ago
use POSIX qw( setlocale LC_ALL );
setlocale( LC_ALL, "C" );

No improvements with these additions, the same error happens. :-(

mohawk2 commented 6 years ago

@dertuxmalwieder I just successfully ran the tests on Windows for version 0.089. Could you try this and if it works, this issue could be closed?

dertuxmalwieder commented 6 years ago

I'll be back on Wednesday, I will try then!

dertuxmalwieder commented 6 years ago


Test Summary Report
t/10-command.t         (Wstat: 1792 Tests: 140 Failed: 7)
  Failed tests:  11, 28, 45, 62, 79, 96, 113
  Non-zero exit status: 7
t/20-zombie.t          (Wstat: 1536 Tests: 36 Failed: 10)
  Failed tests:  11-12, 29-36
  Non-zero exit status: 6
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 30 tests but ran 36.
Files=14, Tests=247, 25 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr +  0.08 sys =  0.12 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 2/14 test programs. 17/247 subtests failed.
gmake: *** [Makefile:889: test_dynamic] Error 255
  C:\Perl_x86\c\bin\gmake.exe test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports BOOK/System-Command-1.118.tar.gz
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'System::Command'.
Failed during this command:
 BOOK/System-Command-1.118.tar.gz             : make_test NO
preaction commented 6 years ago

Yeah, that's the prereq that requires --notest or --force. We might be able to fix that by switching to Git::Wrapper, I'm not sure

dertuxmalwieder commented 6 years ago

I guess having to specify notest is still not the best idea. However, cpan notest install Statocles gives me (among a number of Test:: modules which probably shouldn't be needed...?) a working Statocles.

Hope that helps? (I'll leave my Windows machine until Friday evening in a few minutes ... :-))

mohawk2 commented 6 years ago

@dertuxmalwieder I PR-ed fixes for System::Command on Windows which have been merged, but not yet released. You might open an issue on the repo to seek a release. cf

dertuxmalwieder commented 6 years ago

I'll just watch that issue, I guess. No reason to spam them with new ones. :-)