preaction / Statocles

Static website CMS
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Errors during install #552

Open ebdavison opened 6 years ago

ebdavison commented 6 years ago

I am using Centos 7 and installing through CPAN.

Errors follow:

# Versions for all modules listed in MYMETA.json (including optional ones):
# === Configure Requires ===
#     Module                  Want Have
#     ----------------------- ---- ----
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker      any 6.68
#     File::ShareDir::Install 0.06 0.11
# === Build Requires ===
#     Module              Want Have
#     ------------------- ---- ----
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker  any 6.68
# === Test Requires ===
#     Module                  Want     Have
#     ------------------- -------- --------
#     Capture::Tiny            any     0.46
#     Dir::Self                any     0.11
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker      any     6.68
#     File::Spec               any     3.40
#     IO::Handle               any     1.33
#     IPC::Open3               any     1.12
#     Storable                 any     2.45
#     Test::Deep               any    1.127
#     Test::Differences       0.64     0.64
#     Test::Exception          any     0.43
#     Test::Lib                any    0.002
#     Test::More          1.001005 1.302111
# === Test Recommends ===
#     Module         Want     Have
#     ---------- -------- --------
#     CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.150010
# === Runtime Requires ===
#     Module                 Want     Have
#     ------------------ -------- --------
#     Beam::Emitter         0.007    1.007
#     Beam::Wire            1.018    1.020
#     DateTime::Moonpig       any     1.03
#     Encode                  any     2.51
#     File::Share             any     0.25
#     Git::Repository         any    1.321
#     Import::Base          0.012    1.003
#     JSON::PP                any  2.97000
#     List::UtilsBy          0.09     0.10
#     Mojolicious            6.54     7.57
#     Moo                2.000001 2.003003
#     Path::Tiny            0.084    0.104
#     Pod::Simple            3.31     3.35
#     Pod::Usage::Return      any    0.003
#     Text::Markdown          any 1.000031
#     Text::Unidecode         any     0.04
#     Type::Tiny              any 1.002001
#     Types::Path::Tiny       any    0.005
#     YAML                    any     0.84
#     strict                  any     1.07
#     warnings                any     1.13
# === Runtime Recommends ===
#     Module                           Want    Have
#     ------------------------------- ----- -------
#     HTML::Lint::Pluggable            0.06 missing
#     PPI                               any missing
#     Pod::Elemental                    any missing
#     Pod::Weaver                     4.015 missing
#     Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate   any    0.13
t/00-report-prereqs.t ......... ok
t/app/basic/command.t ......... 1/?                     # Before test: STDIN is interactive
                    # After test: STDIN is interactive
                    # Before test: STDIN is interactive
                    # After test: STDIN is interactive
t/app/basic/command.t ......... ok
t/app/basic/constructor.t ..... ok
t/app/basic/pages.t ........... ok
t/app/blog/command.t .......... 1/?                     # Before test: STDIN is interactive
                    # After test: STDIN is interactive
                    # Before test: STDIN is interactive
                    # After test: STDIN is interactive
                    # Before test: STDIN is interactive
                    # After test: STDIN is interactive
t/app/blog/command.t .......... ok
t/app/blog/constructor.t ...... ok
t/app/blog/pages.t ............ 1/?     # Current LC_TIME locale: en_US.UTF-8
t/app/blog/pages.t ............ ok
t/app/blog/post_date.t ........ ok
t/app/blog/recent_posts.t ..... ok
t/app/blog/slugs.t ............ ok
t/app/events.t ................ ok
t/app/perldoc/constructor.t ... ok
t/app/perldoc/highlight.t ..... # /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/share
t/app/perldoc/highlight.t ..... ok
t/app/perldoc/pages.t ......... ok
t/app/role/store.t ............ ok
t/app/template.t .............. ok
t/app/url.t ................... ok
t/bin/statocles.t ............. ok
t/command/apps.t .............. Name "main::INC" used only once: possible typo at /usr/share/perl5/ line 360.
t/command/apps.t .............. ok
t/command/build_and_deploy.t .. Name "main::INC" used only once: possible typo at /usr/share/perl5/ line 360.
t/command/build_and_deploy.t .. 2/?         # Git version: 1.008003
t/command/build_and_deploy.t .. ok
t/command/bundle.t ............ Name "main::INC" used only once: possible typo at /usr/share/perl5/ line 360.
t/command/bundle.t ............ ok
t/command/create.t ............ Name "main::INC" used only once: possible typo at /usr/share/perl5/ line 360.
t/command/create.t ............ 1/?     # Git version: 1.008003
t/command/create.t ............ ok
t/command/daemon.t ............ Name "main::INC" used only once: possible typo at /usr/share/perl5/ line 360.
t/command/daemon.t ............ ok
t/command/error.t ............. Name "main::INC" used only once: possible typo at /usr/share/perl5/ line 360.
t/command/error.t ............. 2/?
        #   Failed test at t/command/error.t line 134.
        #                   'Use of uninitialized value $remedy in sprintf at /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/blib/lib/Statocles/ line 107.
        # ERROR: Could not load config file "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml". For more information, run with the "--verbose" option or check Statocles::Help::Error. at /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/blib/lib/Statocles/ line 107.
        # '
        #     doesn't match '(?^:ERROR: Could not load config file "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml"[.] Check that you are not using tabs for indentation[.] For more information, run with the "--verbose" option or check Statocles::Help::Error.)'
        # Use of uninitialized value $remedy in sprintf at /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/blib/lib/Statocles/ line 107.
        # ERROR: Could not load config file "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml". For more information, run with the "--verbose" option or check Statocles::Help::Error. at /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/blib/lib/Statocles/ line 107.

            #   Failed test at t/command/error.t line 143.
            #                   'Use of uninitialized value $remedy in sprintf at /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/blib/lib/Statocles/ line 107.
            # ERROR: Could not load config file "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml". For more information, check Statocles::Help::Error.
            # Raw error: Could not load container file "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml": Error from config parser: Error parsing /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml: Died at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/YAML/ line 674, <$IN> line 1.
            #  at /usr/local/share/perl5/Beam/ line 984.
            # '
            #     doesn't match '(?^s:ERROR: Could not load config file "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml"[.] Check that you are not using tabs for indentation[.] For more information, check Statocles::Help::Error[.].+Raw error: Could not load container file)'
            # Use of uninitialized value $remedy in sprintf at /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/blib/lib/Statocles/ line 107.
            # ERROR: Could not load config file "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml". For more information, check Statocles::Help::Error.
            # Raw error: Could not load container file "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml": Error from config parser: Error parsing /root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/command/../share/config/bad_char.yml: Died at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/YAML/ line 674, <$IN> line 1.
            #  at /usr/local/share/perl5/Beam/ line 984.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.

        #   Failed test '--verbose shows raw error message'
        #   at t/command/error.t line 146.
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 4.

    #   Failed test 'bad character in YAML'
    #   at t/command/error.t line 147.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 4.

#   Failed test 'site config broken'
#   at t/command/error.t line 182.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 5.
t/command/error.t ............. Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/5 subtests
t/command/help_and_version.t .. Name "main::INC" used only once: possible typo at /usr/share/perl5/ line 360.
t/command/help_and_version.t .. ok
t/command/mojo_app.t .......... Name "main::INC" used only once: possible typo at /usr/share/perl5/ line 360.
t/command/mojo_app.t .......... ok
t/deploy/file.t ............... ok
t/deploy/git.t ................ # Git version: 1.008003
t/deploy/git.t ................ 1/? [Mon Dec  4 03:47:02 2017] [warn] No files changed
[Mon Dec  4 03:47:02 2017] [warn] No files changed
t/deploy/git.t ................ 6/? [Mon Dec  4 03:47:05 2017] [warn] Git remote "origin" does not exist. Not pushing.
[Mon Dec  4 03:47:05 2017] [warn] Git remote "nondefault" does not exist. Not pushing.
t/deploy/git.t ................ ok
t/deprecated.t ................ ok
t/document.t .................. ok
t/image.t ..................... ok
t/link.t ...................... ok
t/link/tree.t ................. ok
t/page/basename.t ............. ok
t/page/content_sections.t ..... ok
t/page/document.t ............. 1/? Invalid data attribute in document "/required.markdown". Data attributes that are not hashes are deprecated and will be removed in v2.0. Please use a hash instead. See Statocles::Help::Upgrading
Invalid data attribute in document "/links/alternate_single.markdown". Data attributes that are not hashes are deprecated and will be removed in v2.0. Please use a hash instead. See Statocles::Help::Upgrading
t/page/document.t ............. ok
t/page/file.t ................. ok
t/page/images.t ............... ok
t/page/links.t ................ ok
t/page/list.t ................. ok
t/page/list_item.t ............ ok
t/page/plain.t ................ 1/? [Mon Dec  4 03:47:17 2017] [debug] Render page: /path/to/page.html
t/page/plain.t ................ ok
t/page/type.t ................. ok
t/person.t .................... ok
t/plugin/highlight.t .......... ok
t/plugin/html_lint.t .......... skipped: HTML::Lint::Pluggable v0.06 or higher needed
t/plugin/link_check.t ......... ok
t/plugin/mermaid.t ............ ok
t/site/build_and_deploy.t ..... ok
t/site/constructor.t .......... ok
t/site/data.t ................. ok
t/site/events.t ............... ok
t/site/index.t ................ ok
t/site/nav.t .................. ok
t/site/plugin.t ............... ok
t/site/sitemap_and_robots.t ... ok
t/site/template.t ............. ok
t/site/url.t .................. ok
t/site/warnings.t ............. ok
t/store/constructor.t ......... 1/? [Mon Dec  4 03:47:37 2017] [warn] Store path "/root/.cpan/build/Statocles-0.087-1/t/store/../share/DOES_NOT_EXIST" does not exist
t/store/constructor.t ......... ok
t/store/document.t ............ ok
t/store/file.t ................ ok
t/template/basic.t ............ ok
t/template/content.t .......... ok
t/template/include.t .......... ok
t/template/markdown.t ......... ok
t/theme/check.t ............... ok
t/theme/helper.t .............. ok
t/theme/pages.t ............... ok
t/theme/template.t ............ ok
t/types.t ..................... ok
t/util.t ...................... ok

Test Summary Report
t/command/error.t           (Wstat: 256 Tests: 5 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  5
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=73, Tests=362, 100 wallclock secs ( 0.43 usr  0.12 sys + 83.18 cusr  7.44 csys = 91.17 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/73 test programs. 1/362 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports PREACTION/Statocles-0.087.tar.gz
preaction commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report! I suspect this is due to recent changes in the Perl YAML modules. Statocles tries to detect error messages from the YAML module so that it can explain how to fix the problem.

You can, for now, ignore these test failures: They will not affect runtime (cpan -f Statocles)

ebdavison commented 6 years ago

OK, I will give it a shot and report back.

ebdavison commented 6 years ago

Looks like it worked! Thanks.

preaction commented 6 years ago

Sure, but it's still a problem that needs fixing.