preaction / Statocles

Static website CMS
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Avoid can't call method "log" on undefined object #570

Closed dnmfarrell closed 4 years ago

dnmfarrell commented 6 years ago

When creating a new Statocles project with v0.093, if you use the default theme, the code throws an exception, trying to call site->log at line 48 of

Can't call method "log" on an undefined value at
/home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.26.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.26.0/ line 171, <STDIN> line 3.

site is undefined at this point. A better fix might be to initialize it first, but I wasn't sure if site can exist before the Statocles project has been created.

Feel free to reject this PR if you see a better way to fix it.

To reproduce:

$ statocles create

Welcome to Statocles!

First, select a flavor. The flavor determines which applications will be
configured by default.

1) Blog

This flavor puts a blog as the main page, though you may add other pages

2) Project

This flavor puts a plain Markdown file as the main page and adds a blog
for release announcements.

0) None

No applications will be preconfigured. You can add applications later.
See Statocles::Help::Config for details.

Which flavor of site would you like? ([1], 2, 0) 1

Statocles comes with a default theme based on the Skeleton CSS library.
If you want, I can copy this default theme into the current directory so
that you can fully customize it to your liking.

Instead, you can make some minor alterations in content and color using
"include_stores". See Statocles::Help::Theme for more information.

You can always copy or restore the default theme later using the
"statocles bundle" command.

Do you want to bundle the theme? ([Y]/n) y

Statocles can deploy your site in multiple ways.

1) Git

Statocles will commit your site to a Git repository and push to a remote

2) Copy files

Statocles will copy your site to another directory for your web server
to serve.

0) None

Don't set up a deploy yet. "statocles deploy" will just write the site
to the current directory. You can set up a deploy later. See
Statocles::Help::Deploy for details.

How would you like to deploy? ([1], 2, 0) 0
Can't call method "log" on an undefined value at /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.26.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.26.0/ line 171, <STDIN> line 3.
preaction commented 5 years ago

This does move users forward, but I think the more-correct solution is the one in #563, which I'll get to after the current refactor I've left unfinished in my work tree.

preaction commented 4 years ago

This is fixed in v0.094 (though I'm mostly working on the v2 branch right now, and will have something much better suited for your needs soon)