preaction / Statocles

Static website CMS
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Documentation nit: Statocles synopsis does not indicate `create` makes a new Git repo #576

Open cxw42 opened 5 years ago

cxw42 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this tool --- I am trying it out for the first time! The Statocles SYNOPSIS section gives the example sequence:

# Create a new site
statocles create

# Create a new blog post
export EDITOR=vim
statocles blog post

I did not realize that create also makes a new repo. I suggest editing the above to:

# Create a new site and its Git repository
statocles create

# Move into the new repository

# Create a new blog post
export EDITOR=vim
statocles blog post

What say you? Thanks for considering this request!

preaction commented 5 years ago

That is a good idea, yes. I might also rename create to generate to match the Mojolicious command (I'm moving closer to Mojolicious's way of doing things). Thanks for the report!