preaction / Yancy

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Match when a missing key is not a forbidden value #71

Closed wbazant closed 5 years ago

wbazant commented 5 years ago

The code already does the right thing, but it produces a warning, like:

Use of uninitialized value $got in string ne at Yancy/ line 289.

Also tests for booleans - they were right, but I was convincing myself.

coveralls commented 5 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 93.164% when pulling bd15c94a5393b6aa36d10601d488cae288e0e5f3 on wbazant:master into 3385c2eab4e4f7959b62c9c3eff7408bb1ccb32e on preaction:master.

preaction commented 5 years ago

Ah, yes, that's a good find. And, if people want to just check if the value is there or not, there's the is/isn't null match. Thanks!