preactjs / preact-compat

ATTENTION: The React compatibility layer for Preact has moved to the main preact repo.
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Should babel module loader work for react / reactish dependencies inside node_modules? #513

Closed nineohnine closed 5 years ago

nineohnine commented 5 years ago

I am trying to build a ssr & client side app using preact. I am using babel-node with your module-loader configuration. I am getting errors from inside my dependency that it cannot load resolve react. Is this to be expected ? I can resolve react (preact-compat) from my project files. But when a dependency of my project does it throws. Is this the expected behavior or am i doing something wrong?


marvinhagemeister commented 5 years ago

I am using babel-node with your module-loader configuration

Can you elaborate on your setup? In general mixin preact with react only works by rewriting (aka aliasing) imports. If you're using babel-node alone you'll likely need to add a plugin that switches out imports to react.

nineohnine commented 5 years ago

yep so I am using this setup in my babelrc from the readme:

    // ...
    "plugins": [
        ["module-resolver", {
        "root": ["."],
        "alias": {
            "react": "preact-compat",
            "react-dom": "preact-compat",
            // Not necessary unless you consume a module using `createClass`
            "create-react-class": "preact-compat/lib/create-react-class",
            // Not necessary unless you consume a module requiring `react-dom-factories`
            "react-dom-factories": "preact-compat/lib/react-dom-factories"
    "presets": [
    // ...
developit commented 5 years ago

If you're not running Babel on node_modules (most people don't), the aliases set in your Babel config are not applied to those files.

You should use module-alias instead, which applies to all requires: