preactjs / signals

Manage state with style in every framework
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Failing tests on main on Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) #546

Closed alxclark closed 3 months ago

alxclark commented 3 months ago

Tests for @preact/signals-react/runtime fail on latest main on Mac OS 10.15.7 and Chrome 123


Full logs:

``` signals git:(main) pnpm test > preact-signals@ test /Users/alex/src/ > pnpm test:karma && pnpm test:mocha > preact-signals@ test:karma /Users/alex/src/ > cross-env COVERAGE=true karma start karma.conf.js --single-run Transforming tests using /Users/alex/src/ Manually re-compile & re-run tests to validate changes to react-transform START: 30 03 2024 14:19:04.318:INFO [esbuild]: Compiling... 30 03 2024 14:19:05.654:INFO [esbuild]: Compiling done (1s) 30 03 2024 14:19:05.659:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v6.4.2 server started at http://localhost:9876/ 30 03 2024 14:19:05.659:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers ChromeNoSandboxHeadless with concurrency 2 30 03 2024 14:19:05.665:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome 30 03 2024 14:19:12.303:INFO [Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7)]: Connected on socket fXymWpkUFmFIDJnfAAAB with id 82731752 signal ✔ should return value ✔ should inherit from Signal ✔ should support .toString() ✔ should support .toJSON() ✔ should support JSON.Stringify() ✔ should support .valueOf() ✔ should notify other listeners of changes after one listener is disposed ✔ signals should be identified with a symbol ✔ should be identified with a symbol .peek() ✔ should get value ✔ should get the updated value after a value change ✔ should not make surrounding effect depend on the signal ✔ should not make surrounding computed depend on the signal .subscribe() ✔ should subscribe to a signal ✔ should run the callback when the signal value changes ✔ should unsubscribe from a signal ✔ should not start triggering on when a signal accessed in the callback changes ✔ should not cause surrounding effect to subscribe to changes to a signal accessed in the callback effect() ✔ should init with value ✔ should subscribe to signals ✔ should subscribe to multiple signals ✔ should dispose of subscriptions ✔ should unsubscribe from signal ✔ should conditionally unsubscribe from signals ✔ should batch writes ✔ should call the cleanup callback before the next run ✔ should call only the callback from the previous run ✔ should call the cleanup callback function when disposed ✔ should not recompute if the effect has been notified about changes, but no direct dependency has actually changed ✔ should not recompute dependencies unnecessarily ✔ should not recompute dependencies out of order ✔ should recompute if a dependency changes during computation after becoming a dependency ✔ should run the cleanup in an implicit batch ✔ should not retrigger the effect if the cleanup modifies one of the dependencies ✔ should run the cleanup if the effect disposes itself ✔ should not run the effect if the cleanup function disposes it ✔ should not subscribe to anything if first run throws ✔ should reset the cleanup if the effect throws ✔ should dispose the effect if the cleanup callback throws ✔ should run cleanups outside any evaluation context ✔ should throw on cycles ✔ should throw on indirect cycles ✔ should allow disposing the effect multiple times ✔ should allow disposing a running effect ✔ should not run if it's first been triggered and then disposed in a batch ✔ should not run if it's been triggered, disposed and then triggered again in a batch ✔ should not rerun parent effect if a nested child effect's signal's value changes internals ✔ should pass in the effect instance in callback's `this` ✔ should allow setting _callback that replaces the default functionality ✔ should return a function for closing the effect scope from _start ✔ should throw on out-of-order start1-start2-end1 sequences ✔ should throw a cycle detection error when _start is called while the effect is running ✔ should dispose the effect on _dispose ✔ should allow reusing the effect after disposing it ✔ should have property _sources that is undefined when and only when the effect has no sources computed() ✔ should return value ✔ should inherit from Signal ✔ should return updated value ✔ should be lazily computed on demand ✔ should be computed only when a dependency has changed at some point ✔ should recompute if a dependency changes during computation after becoming a dependency ✔ should detect simple dependency cycles ✔ should detect deep dependency cycles ✔ should not allow a computed signal to become a direct dependency of itself ✔ should store thrown errors and recompute only after a dependency changes ✔ should store thrown non-errors and recompute only after a dependency changes ✔ should conditionally unsubscribe from signals ✔ should consider undefined value separate from uninitialized value ✔ should not leak errors raised by dependencies ✔ should propagate notifications even right after first subscription ✔ should get marked as outdated right after first subscription ✔ should propagate notification to other listeners after one listener is disposed ✔ should not recompute dependencies out of order ✔ should not recompute dependencies unnecessarily .peek() ✔ should get value ✔ should throw when evaluation throws ✔ should throw when previous evaluation threw and dependencies haven't changed ✔ should refresh value if stale ✔ should detect simple dependency cycles ✔ should detect deep dependency cycles ✔ should not make surrounding effect depend on the computed ✔ should not make surrounding computed depend on the computed ✔ should not make surrounding effect depend on the peeked computed's dependencies ✔ should not make surrounding computed depend on peeked computed's dependencies garbage collection ✔ should be garbage collectable if nothing is listening to its changes ✔ should be garbage collectable after it has lost all of its listeners graph updates ✔ should run computeds once for multiple dep changes ✔ should drop A->B->A updates ✔ should only update every signal once (diamond graph) ✔ should only update every signal once (diamond graph + tail) ✔ should bail out if result is the same ✔ should only update every signal once (jagged diamond graph + tails) ✔ should only subscribe to signals listened to ✔ should only subscribe to signals listened to ✔ should ensure subs update even if one dep unmarks it ✔ should ensure subs update even if two deps unmark it error handling ✔ should throw when writing to computeds ✔ should keep graph consistent on errors during activation ✔ should keep graph consistent on errors in computeds ✔ should support lazy branches ✔ should not update a sub if all deps unmark it batch/transaction ✔ should return the value from the callback ✔ should throw errors thrown from the callback ✔ should throw non-errors thrown from the callback ✔ should delay writes ✔ should delay writes until outermost batch is complete ✔ should read signals written to ✔ should read computed signals with updated source signals ✔ should not block writes after batching completed ✔ should not lead to stale signals with .value in batch ✔ should not lead to stale signals with peek() in batch ✔ should run pending effects even if the callback throws ✔ should run pending effects even if some effects throw ✔ should run effect's first run immediately even inside a batch untracked ✔ should block tracking inside effects ✔ should block tracking even when run inside effect run inside untracked ✔ should not cause signal assignments throw ✔ should block tracking inside computed signals @preact/signals exports ✔ should re-export core inheritance ✔ should have signals inherit from Signal ✔ should have computed inherit from Signal SignalValue bindings ✔ should render text without signals ✔ should render Signals as SignalValue ✔ should update Signal-based SignalValue (no parent component) ✔ should update Signal-based SignalValue (in a parent component) ✔ should support swapping Signals in SignalValue positions ✔ should support rendering JSX in SignalValue positions ✔ JSX in SignalValue should be reactive ✔ should support swapping between JSX and string in SignalValue positions Component bindings ✔ should subscribe to signals ✔ should activate signal accessed in render ✔ should not subscribe to child signals ✔ should minimize rerenders when passing signals through context ✔ should not subscribe to computed signals only created and not used ✔ should properly subscribe and unsubscribe to conditionally rendered computed signals prop bindings ✔ should set the initial value of the checked property ✔ should update the checked property on change ✔ should update props without re-rendering ✔ should set and update string style property ✔ should set updated signal prop values at most once ✔ should set SVG values hooks mixed with signals ✔ signals should not stop context from propagating useSignalEffect() ✔ should be invoked after commit ✔ should invoke any returned cleanup function for updates ✔ should invoke any returned cleanup function for unmounts SSR ✔ should render without erroring ✔ should not subscribe properties to signals ✔ should not subscribe Components to Signals ✔ should allow re-rendering signals multiple times ✔ should render computed signals ✔ should render updated values for mutated computed signals ✔ should allow signal mutation during rendering SignalValue bindings ✔ should render strings ✔ should encode HTML entities ✔ should render numbers as text ✔ should not render booleans Property bindings ✔ should render Signal prop values React Signals babel transfrom - browser E2E tests ✔ should rerender components when using signals as text ✔ should rerender components when signals they use change ✔ should rerender components with custom hooks that use signals ✔ should rerender components with multiple custom hooks that use signals ✔ should rerender components that use signals with multiple custom hooks that use signals ✔ should rerender components wrapped in memo ✔ should rerender components wrapped in memo inline ✔ should rerender components wrapped in forwardRef ✔ should rerender components wrapped in forwardRef inline ✔ should rerender components wrapped in forwardRef with memo ✔ should rerender registry-style declared components ✔ should transform components authored inside a test's body ✔ should work when an ambiguous function is manually transformed and used as a hook ✔ loads useSignals from a custom source ✔ works with the `using` keyword @preact/signals-react/auto mounting mount text bindings ✔ should render text without signals ✔ should render Signals as SignalValue ✔ should render computed as SignalValue mount component bindings ✔ should mount component with signals as text ✔ should activate signal accessed in render ✔ should properly mount in strict mode ✔ should correctly mount components that have useReducer() ✔ should not fail when a component calls setState while mounting ✔ should not fail when a component calls setState multiple times while mounting useSignal() ✔ should create a signal from a primitive value ✔ should properly update signal values changed during mount updating SignalValue bindings ✔ should render text without signals ✔ should render Signals as SignalValue ✔ should render computed as SignalValue ✔ should update Signal-based SignalValue (no parent component) ✔ should update Signal-based SignalValue (in a parent component) ✔ should work with JSX inside signal Component bindings ✔ should subscribe to signals ✔ should rerender components when signals they use change ✔ should subscribe to signals passed as props to DOM elements ✔ should activate signal accessed in render ✔ should not subscribe to child signals ✔ should update memo'ed component via signals ✔ should update forwardRef'ed component via signals ✔ should consistently rerender in strict mode ✔ should consistently rerender in strict mode (with memo) ✔ should render static markup of a component ✔ should correctly render components that have useReducer() ✔ should not fail when a component calls setState while rendering ✔ should not fail when a component calls setState multiple times while rendering ✔ should not fail when a component only uses state-less hooks ✔ should minimize rerenders when passing signals through context ✔ should not subscribe to computed signals only created and not used ✔ should properly subscribe and unsubscribe to conditionally rendered computed signals useSignal() ✔ should create a signal from a primitive value useSignalEffect() ✔ should be invoked after commit ✔ should invoke any returned cleanup function for updates ✔ should invoke any returned cleanup function for unmounts @preact/signals-react/runtime mounting mount text bindings ✔ should render text without signals ✔ should render Signals as SignalValue ✔ should render computed as SignalValue mount component bindings ✔ should mount component with signals as text ✔ should activate signal accessed in render ✔ should properly mount in strict mode ✔ should correctly mount components that have useReducer() ✔ should not fail when a component calls setState while mounting ✔ should not fail when a component calls setState multiple times while mounting useSignal() ✔ should create a signal from a primitive value ✔ should properly update signal values changed during mount updating SignalValue bindings ✔ should render text without signals ✔ should render Signals as SignalValue ✔ should render computed as SignalValue ✔ should update Signal-based SignalValue (no parent component) ✔ should update Signal-based SignalValue (in a parent component) ✔ should work with JSX inside signal Component bindings ✖ should subscribe to signals ✔ should rerender components when signals they use change ✔ should activate signal accessed in render ✔ should not subscribe to child signals ✖ should update memo'ed component via signals ✖ should update forwardRef'ed component via signals ✖ should consistently rerender in strict mode ✖ should consistently rerender in strict mode (with memo) ✖ should correctly render components that have useReducer() ✔ should not fail when a component calls setState while rendering ✔ should not fail when a component calls setState multiple times while rendering ✔ should not fail when a component only uses state-less hooks ✖ should minimize rerenders when passing signals through context ✖ should not subscribe to computed signals only created and not used ✖ should properly subscribe and unsubscribe to conditionally rendered computed signals useSignal() ✔ should create a signal from a primitive value useSignalEffect() ✖ should be invoked after commit ✖ should invoke any returned cleanup function for updates ✔ should invoke any returned cleanup function for unmounts useSignals ✔ should rerender components when signals they use change ✔ should correctly invoke rerenders if useSignals is called multiple times in the same component ✔ should not rerender components when signals they use do not change ✔ should not rerender components when signals they use change but they are not mounted ✔ should not rerender components that only update signals in event handlers ✔ should not rerender components that only read signals in event handlers ✔ should properly rerender components that use custom hooks ✔ should properly rerender components that use custom hooks and signals ✖ (managed) should work with components that use render props (skipped) ✔ (unmanaged) should work with components that use render props ERROR: 'Warning: An update to %s inside a test was not wrapped in act(...). When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...): act(() => { /* fire events that update state */ }); /* assert on the output */ This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser. Learn more at', 'C', ' at C (http://localhost:9876/base/packages/react/runtime/test/browser/useSignals.test.js?42b846454994019967306412fa3dc0b12d1b7a72:48956:13)' ✔ (unmanaged) (React 16 specific) should work with rerenders that update signals before async final cleanup using hooks that call useSignal in components that call useSignals ✔ ManagedComponent > managed hook ✔ ManagedComponent > unmanaged hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > managed hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > unmanaged hook ✔ ManagedComponent > managed hook + managed hook ✔ ManagedComponent > managed hook + unmanaged hook ✔ ManagedComponent > unmanaged hook + managed hook ✔ ManagedComponent > unmanaged hook + unmanaged hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > managed hook + managed hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > managed hook + unmanaged hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > unmanaged hook + managed hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > unmanaged hook + unmanaged hook using nested hooks that each call useSignals in components that call useSignals ✔ ManagedComponent > managed hook > managed hook ✔ ManagedComponent > managed hook > unmanaged hook ✔ ManagedComponent > unmanaged hook > managed hook ✔ ManagedComponent > unmanaged hook > unmanaged hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > managed hook > managed hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > managed hook > unmanaged hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > unmanaged hook > managed hook ✔ UnmanagedComponent > unmanaged hook > unmanaged hook @preact/signals-react exports ✔ should re-export core react-router-dom ✔ Route component should render Finished in 0.425 secs / 0.309 secs @ 14:19:13 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) SUMMARY: ✔ 267 tests completed ℹ 1 test skipped ✖ 11 tests failed FAILED TESTS: @preact/signals-react/runtime updating Component bindings ✖ should subscribe to signals Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected 'foo' to equal 'bar' + expected - actual -foo +bar at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:164:35) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should update memo'ed component via signals Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected 'foo' to equal 'bar' + expected - actual -foo +bar at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:285:35) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should update forwardRef'ed component via signals Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected 'foo' to equal 'bar' + expected - actual -foo +bar at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:305:35) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should consistently rerender in strict mode Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected '-1' to equal '0' + expected - actual --1 +0 at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:325:36) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should consistently rerender in strict mode (with memo) Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected '-1' to equal '0' + expected - actual --1 +0 at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:346:36) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should correctly render components that have useReducer() Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected '
at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:414:34) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should minimize rerenders when passing signals through context Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected '' to equal '' + expected - actual - + at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:621:31) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should not subscribe to computed signals only created and not used Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected '


' to equal '


' + expected - actual -




at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:652:33) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should properly subscribe and unsubscribe to conditionally rendered computed signals Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected '


' to equal '


' + expected - actual -




at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:675:33) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) useSignalEffect() ✖ should be invoked after commit Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected 'foo' to equal 'bar' + expected - actual -foo +bar at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:751:35) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) ✖ should invoke any returned cleanup function for updates Chrome Headless 123.0.6312.87 (Mac OS 10.15.7) AssertionError: expected 'foo' to equal 'bar' + expected - actual -foo +bar at (packages/react/test/shared/updates.tsx:802:35) at () at fulfilled (null:null:1 <- packages/react/runtime/test/browser/updates.test.js:35:26) =============================== Coverage summary =============================== Statements : 92.89% ( 719/774 ) Branches : 84.8% ( 374/441 ) Functions : 91.83% ( 135/147 ) Lines : 93.91% ( 694/739 ) ================================================================================  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.  ELIFECYCLE  Test failed. See above for more details. ```
alxclark commented 3 months ago

Looks like I was running off of an outdated build and was mislead by seeing the esbuild logs in the tests thinking we ran a fresh build before tests. Tests are all green now.