prebid / Prebid.js

Setup and manage header bidding advertising partners without writing code or confusing line items. Prebid.js is open source and free.
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Delete USP module #10347

Open patmmccann opened 1 year ago

patmmccann commented 1 year ago

Speaking with IABTL and reading their press release, they are recommending full deprecation of the API usage. Prebid should simply stop reading from it.

This is irrespective of the CA Sup Court extension to expend CPRA enforcement to March 2024

dgirardi commented 1 year ago

I don't think deleting the module makes sense even if the API was deprecated in full (deprecation means "you shouldn't", not "you musn't"). However, this:

Specifically, the US Privacy String will be deprecated, while the Data Deletion Request Handling mechanism will retain continued support beyond September 30th

is a more compelling reason to keep it.

patmmccann commented 1 year ago

A very interesting, non-breaking change has come up as a proposal: remove the usp object from the bid request but keep the module around

patmmccann commented 1 year ago

Another action: we could remove the module as recommended download on the download page

AramZS commented 1 year ago

At this time IAB has not produced a convincing argument to stop using USP API as a signal to vendors nor have we received signals from our vendors to stop using USP API.

At this time I would advise not removing the USP API module from Prebid. I advise this in order to retain Prebid's state of matching the actual state of the environment--including at anticipated time of version release--and based on the current state of vendor documentation, most notably Google.

patmmccann commented 11 months ago

Noting this can kicked down the road again to January, some people asking for March

patmmccann commented 7 months ago


patmmccann commented 4 months ago

Removing prebid 9 tag