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RubiconBidAdapter: Error while converting bidRequest to ORTB imp; request skipped #10400

Closed EskelCz closed 1 year ago

EskelCz commented 1 year ago

Type of issue

Bug, probably


Bid request for Native format fails with an error, trying to set .pos at a video object, which for native isn't there. (Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'pos')) This line:

Steps to reproduce

  1. Configure magnite adUnit with native mediaType and required assets
  2. Run auction

Test page (position native-3)

Expected results

No error

Actual results


Platform details

Prebid 7.39 (but the culprit line is in the latest version as well)

robertrmartinez commented 1 year ago

@EskelCz Thanks for flagging, will get a fix ASAP.

A workaround is to remove the position params in your rubicon bids for adUnits which have native (I know not really a "workaround", but the request will be sent)

Here is example code which will delete the rubicon param position for any adUnit that has native mediaType.

( Or you can just edit the adunits directly of course )

pbjs.onEvent('beforeRequestBids', adUnits => {
  adUnits.forEach(adUnit => {
    if (adUnit.mediaTypes.hasOwnProperty('native')) {
      adUnit.bids.forEach(bid => {
        if (bid.bidder === 'rubicon') delete bid.params.position;

Executing this on your test page and then running an auction has the Rubicon Native Ad Request sent as expected:

Thanks for finding and sorry for the inconvenience!

Also FYI, the Rubicon Prebid Server Adapter requires event trackers in native requests:

From Rubicon PBS Error Response: "Error in native object for imp with id native-3: Eventtrackers are not present or not of array type"

I have reached out to our team for more clarity on if this requirement will remain in the future or not.

robertrmartinez commented 1 year ago


EskelCz commented 1 year ago

@robertrmartinez That was fast, I'm shocked. :) Thanks a lot for the quick fix.

As for the event trackers issue, I must admit I have no idea what is happening there. Can you please elaborate? Is it something I need to handle on our end, or is that another adapter issue?

robertrmartinez commented 1 year ago

We updated the Rubicon Adapter to support native somewhat recently.

It sends an ORTB2 Native request to our exchange.

It looks like you still declare your prebid native adUnits using the "Legacy" prebid format:


This is transformed into ORTB and then sent.

Well, the Rubicon (Magnite) SSP requires the ORTB native request field called eventtrackers

See section 4.7 Event Trackers Request Object in the ORTB Native 1.2 Spec

This is optional in ORTB, but our exchange has deemed it as required as of now. Unsure if it will change anytime soon, but that was the direction given.

Hope this helps clear it up @EskelCz

If you have any questions about this requirement or any other native questions, please first reach out to your Magnite account representative and they should be able to assist.

EskelCz commented 1 year ago

@robertrmartinez I see, that clears it up. I'll use the ORTB configuration and add an empty eventtrackers array, that's no problem. Thanks a lot

EskelCz commented 1 year ago

@robertrmartinez I'm testing the fix in 8.12 and I'm seeing another error in the network request. First it shows kind of a misleading warning in console:


You can see it live here:

Then in network request is the actual error:

"Error in native object for imp with id native-3: Plcmttype is not present or not of int type"

Here's the complete request:

This is my adUnit definition:

        "code": "native-3",
        "mediaTypes": {
            "native": {
                "ortb": {
                    "assets": [
                            "id": 1,
                            "required": 1,
                            "img": {
                                "type": 1,
                                "wmin": 200,
                                "hmin": 200
                            "id": 2,
                            "required": 1,
                            "title": { "len": 800 }
                            "id": 3,
                            "required": 1,
                            "data": { "type": 2 }
                            "id": 4,
                            "required": 0,
                            "data": { "type": 1 }
                    "eventtrackers": []
        "bids": [
                "bidder": "rubicon",
                "params": {
                    "siteId": "140646",
                    "zoneId": "3017262",
                    "accountId": "10900",
                    "position": "atf",
                    "sizes": [ 221 ]

It's probably some other misconfiguration on my part, but it's hard to debug since the error is from the back-end. Can you please see what's wrong?

robertrmartinez commented 1 year ago

Hi @EskelCz I am off starting today but am going to pass this along to my team so someone can help you while I am out!

Sorry for the issues! We are still ironing out some kinks in our Native setups.

bretg commented 1 year ago

Here are the validations done by the server-side rubicon adapter:

if imp.native.ver is 1.2, unpack the imp.native.request field and make the following validations:

These are the rules of the exchange.

EskelCz commented 12 months ago

@bretg Thanks, I missed that in the docs But there is no information what the values of context and plcmttype mean.

I searched Magnite docs and found it only on this page: But both of the attributes link to non-existent anchors. So I'm stuck. It's perplexing, such a lackluster documentation for required values. It's as if I'm the first developer trying to configure Native for Magnite. :)

EDIT: Found it at the bottom, it's just the anchors that are broken.

bretg commented 12 months ago

Thanks for the docs bug report @EskelCz. Will report it. I was going to suggest the IAB spec, but sounds like you found that.