prebid / Prebid.js

Setup and manage header bidding advertising partners without writing code or confusing line items. Prebid.js is open source and free.
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Paapi: add some browser features to request #11696

Open patmmccann opened 1 month ago

patmmccann commented 1 month ago

Open to proposals as to where to put this stuff


"Getting browser-side detectable features as an object: Sometimes it's desirable to get status of all features detectable via queryFeatureSupport in a forward-compatible way. Sufficiently recent versions provide this functionality via queryFeatureSupport('*'), which returns a dictionary describing state of various features. Since that functionality isn't available in older versions, backwards-compatibility polyfilling is suggested:

let qfs = navigator.protectedAudience ? navigator.protectedAudience.queryFeatureSupport.bind(navigator.protectedAudience) : null;

let allFeatureStatus = qfs ? (qfs("*") || { adComponentsLimit: qfs("adComponentsLimit"), deprecatedRenderURLReplacements: qfs("deprecatedRenderURLReplacements"), reportingTimeout: qfs("reportingTimeout") }) : {} An example return value would be:

{ "adComponentsLimit":40, "deprecatedRenderURLReplacements":false, "reportingTimeout":true, "permitCrossOriginTrustedSignals":true }"

Open concern: limiting the growth of this object

patmmccann commented 1 month ago

asked the chrome team live for tell us about features experimental since x version or something to cap the list at wicg call, they seemed open to the idea

dmdabbs commented 3 weeks ago

asked the chrome team live for tell us about features experimental since x version or something to cap the list at wicg call, they seemed open to the idea

@rdgordon-index reiterated that in today's FLEDGE call.

Other settings to consider: the k-anon enforced flag:

a "can load fenced frames" navigator property that is coming: