prebid / Prebid.js

Setup and manage header bidding advertising partners without writing code or confusing line items. Prebid.js is open source and free.
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Feature Request: Dynamic Bidder Modules #11862

Open ReinoutStevens opened 6 days ago

ReinoutStevens commented 6 days ago

Type of issue

Feature Request


As a publisher, we're adding more and more partners. Many of these partners are country-specific (e.g. they only run in 1 specific country). Having many partners has 2 downsides:

While we can mitigate this problem by building multiple prebid versions ourselves, it doesn't really scale when adding more country-specific partners.

It would be better if Prebid supported dynamically loading in bid adapters, either through a specific api, or the moment the bidder is used in an auction for the first time.

patmmccann commented 6 days ago

Which bid adapter runs external js ?

ReinoutStevens commented 6 days ago

Afaik in our case that was Criteo and Adagio. Adagio loads in external stuff, even when they are not used in the auction. Not sure whether that was the case for Criteo, or if that only happens when they were part of the auction.

patmmccann commented 3 days ago

Those are both no longer in #11720 :)

patmmccann commented 3 days ago

6221 is a dupe btw, what do you think of the resolution there, to rely on #5287? There's demand for this with id modules too, no need to call some id modules until you've got an authenticated user

ReinoutStevens commented 3 days ago

The approach of #5287 would work for us, and we could just use dynamic imports in our ads wrapper