prebid / Prebid.js

Setup and manage header bidding advertising partners without writing code or confusing line items. Prebid.js is open source and free.
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Pubmatic bid adapter: support ortb2Imp deals #11880

Open patmmccann opened 1 week ago

patmmccann commented 1 week ago

Adding some detail here, a publisher should be able to define a pmp like this ; not just via your adapter parameters. It is a requirement you support the standard openrtb way of forming a bid request when you provide a parameter. The most frequent publisher complaint about prebid is bidder parameters having redundant implementations of the same information

   code: "test-div",
   mediaTypes: {
       banner: {
           sizes: [[300,250]]
   ortb2Imp: {
            "pmp": {
               "private_auction": 0,
               "deals": [
                       "id": "5678",
                       "bidfloor": 1.75,
                       "bidfloorcur": "USD",
                       "wseat": [
                       "at": 3
                       "id": "1234",
                       "bidfloor": 2,
                       "bidfloorcur": "USD",
                       "wseat": [
                       "at": 1
   // ...

@patmmccann I am doing the changes based on your comment, but I do see the same json which I used is also being used by pubmatic adapter. Please check the link: pubmatic Is prebid enforcing this change for all the adapters to standardize the adUnits?

Originally posted by @skapoorViant in

All adapters must support standard locations in addition to their parameters

pm-harshad-mane commented 1 week ago

@patmmccann we agree that All adapters must support standard locations in addition to their parameters. @kapil-tuptewar is looking into it, will respond soon.

pm-harshad-mane commented 18 hours ago

@kapil-tuptewar can you please share update?

kapil-tuptewar commented 16 hours ago

@pm-harshad-mane adapter specific changes are done. We are discussing this with server side team, once we get clarity I will raise a PR.