prebid / Prebid.js

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server-side adapter(s2s) to receive the ae:1 paapi flag #11894

Open warrrrren opened 3 days ago

warrrrren commented 3 days ago

Type of issue



How do you configure a server-side adapter(s2s) to receive the ae:1 paapi flag?

Steps to reproduce


Test page

NA -Question

Expected results

Specified bidders on the prebid server should receive the ae:1 flag in their bid-requests.

Actual results

Despite enabling and configuring the paapi and fledgeForGpt modules, the ae flag is not included in the s2s bid requests.

Platform details

pbjs v8.38

dgirardi commented 3 days ago

You didn't specify how you are configuring, but I think there's a bug where defaultForSlots: 1 is not picked up by the PBS adapter. Setting ortb2Imp: {ext: {ae: 1}} on each ad unit should work around it. Could you confirm that's what you are seeing, or if not, could you please provide more info?

warrrrren commented 3 days ago

Hi @dgirardi yes, I was trying to use defaultForSlots: 1. If I set ae:1 at an ad unit level will the bidder filter under the paapi config still apply?

dgirardi commented 3 days ago

@warrrrren no. I'll have a fix shortly that will enforce them on the response side (discarding PAAPI from bidders that are not enabled). ae: 1 may still need to be set globally - bidder level requires which is still open.

patmmccann commented 1 day ago

PBS 2335 is underway :)