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labelAll ignores value #11911

Closed hmodes-qm closed 5 days ago

hmodes-qm commented 2 weeks ago

Type of issue

potential bug


We're setting a label to include/exclude bidders from certain page types. The label is 'sod_true' or 'sod_false'. Bidders (i.e. seedtag) should only be called if the label's value is set to 'sod_true'. Here's the bidder config:

            bidder: 'seedtag',
                labelAll: ['sod_true'],
            params: {
                publisherId: 'xxx',
                adUnitId: 'yyy',
                placement: 'inScreen',   

I can see in Prebid's debugging mode that the label is set to 'sod_false' image (3) However I can also see that seedtag is beeing called despite labelAll


Steps to reproduce

Visit on a mobile device. The label is logged as:

const labels = getCustomLabels(); console.log('Labels:', labels);

Expected results

seedtag not beeing called when the label is not 'sod_true'

Actual results

seedtag beeing called although labelAll doesn't match the actual provided label

Platform details

Prebid v8.39.0


Mobile device (simulated iPhone)

dgirardi commented 2 weeks ago

Since version 8, labels require the sizeMapping module. It looks like we fail to mention it in our docs.

dgirardi commented 2 weeks ago

There may also be a regression - the sizeMapping module is only activated on setConfig({sizeConfig: ...}) - I think 7 may have allowed just "manual" labeling (I'll investigate further). A dummy setConfig({sizeConfig: []}) may work to activate it.