prebid / Prebid.js

Setup and manage header bidding advertising partners without writing code or confusing line items. Prebid.js is open source and free.
Apache License 2.0
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Header Bidding for Dummies #5897

Closed sshcli closed 3 years ago

sshcli commented 3 years ago

Hi Mates, Congratulations for this beautiful project, I wish you success!

Sorry for my stupid question, but this is my first day trying to implement Header Bidding on my website.

I have completed the Step By Step Guide to Google Ad Manager (Thanks btw) you have posted here:

But now what? What additional steps I must do? I have read a lot of things, but... I still don't know if I need to upload some files to my server, I still don't know if I need to build something I still don't know if I need to approach bidders by my self and what to say I still don't know if I will need a Header Bidding partner, or this is something I can do it by my self

If anyone can please point me into the right direction, I will really appreciate it. The ABC of Header Bidding (Header Bidding for Dummies)

Thanks in advance


bretg commented 3 years ago

@sshcli - we'll put it on our list to generate a high level checklist for a header bidding implementation. In the meantime, you should just search. e.g. "header bidding basics" revealed references that may help you like

I still don't know if I need to upload some files to my server

Yes, you will need to create a Prebid.js build and host it along with your web pages

I still don't know if I need to build something

Your web pages need to integrate with Prebid.js javascript

I still don't know if I need to approach bidders by my self and what to say

Yes. You need to have an account with each bidder.

I still don't know if I will need a Header Bidding partner, or this is something I can do it by my self

Many pubs do header bidding on their own. Many partner with a managed service.

sshcli commented 3 years ago

Thanks @bretg for your kind response. Yesterday after create the issue here, I found on internet this:

However, I believe that you offer a very great solution for publishers, and that simple information should be included in your website, it will avoid a lot of unnecessary questions.

Thanks again @bretg Maybe I will see you later reporting new bugs, creating simple PRs, etc.

bretg commented 3 years ago

Will track this documentation request over at