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AdYouLike Bidder - Question to test instream video integration #8301

Closed guiann closed 2 years ago

guiann commented 2 years ago

Type of issue



Adyoulike bidder is able to bid on outstream inventory but we're struggling to valid our instream implementation.

Test page

prebid instream X AdYouLike test

Steps to reproduce

Please open the test page : prebid instream X AdYouLike test

click the play button => content plays with no ad shown.

AdYoulike bidder sends a valid bid response containing a valid vastXML field. I don't see any "bidderError" or "NoBid" event but still, the ad won't play.

Expected results

The ad should play before the video content.

Actual results

No ad is shown

I've tried to send bid with a valid VastUrl instead of VastXML with no more success. I see a targeting config error in console, could this be the source of my issue here ? the "setTargeting" event is still sent. userIdTargeting: Invalid config found, not sharing userIds externally.

Could you please have a look in case you see what I'm missing ?

Platform details

Prebid 6.20 (last one) Chrome v99.0.4844.51

Other information

The same bidder does the same job in an outstream context here with no issue (ad is shown and plays)

spormeon commented 2 years ago

are you trying to use gpt instead of a dfp vast redirect?

guiann commented 2 years ago

GPT is what I use indeed... this page has been created a long time ago. I'll update it using more recent documentation. thanks for the lead.

spormeon commented 2 years ago

not 100% sure its your problem, but worth a try. If put your returned vasturl in an "inspector" , its works fine: Video_suite_inspector_ _ _IMA_SDK_for_HTML5_ _ _Google_Developers

guiann commented 2 years ago

I've recreated a page without GPT, following this documentation:

and using my own JWplayer url.

the same issue occurs: ad response is OK but ad is not shown. I'll try to retreive the cached VAST url to make sure it's fine in a Vast inspector...

spormeon commented 2 years ago

you have setup the dfp video line item/s etc as well? I'd add all the GDPR stuff as well, as your in France? I'd also try the appnexus id in your setup, see if that works first?your using someone elses dfp by looks, not sure if thats setup for your bidder etc?

guiann commented 2 years ago

I do have a GAM account, I don't see the link with any GAM line item setup in the test instructions. Once I've created line items, how should it be used in this test case ?

spormeon commented 2 years ago I'd wait to see if anyone else chips in first, with any ideas, or you will be building 000's of line items, or you could use one targeting ALL prices i suppose

its this adapter here? or some remote local version your trying?

spormeon commented 2 years ago

its works for me on my test pages, i think its dfp setup: I used your adapter in P6.20.0 , with the params from your test page




There are no bids coming back when using S2S though, using same params as client side: DevTools_-_www_cheftalk_com_ads_final_

guiann commented 2 years ago

I'm glad you succeed in showing an ad using our adapter. Our bid response seems correct indeed.

I wonder how I can target my dfp/gam account to use my line item setup from my test page.

this document shows how to setup an instream test page It shows how to load prebid, include a JWplayer url and add video ad unit and bidders setup.

I followed instructions to create line items here

But I don't see how to link this dfp line items setup to the page we're testing. Can you please guide me through this step ?

spormeon commented 2 years ago

create an adunit and use the adunit path, like in the demo, but use your "id", e.g Prebid_Video___Instream_Example_with_JW_Player__Platform__for_Header_Bidding

guiann commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your very helpful answers.

I've updated this id with my test creative id from Ad Manager. iu: '/727164370/prebid_cache_video_adunit',

coming from the top line of creative interface here: test_creative

Hope I understood it correctly. The page now shows some CORS errors when trying to load the ad...

spormeon commented 2 years ago

are you on the slack adops channels? if so ping me there direct ( spormeon display name). Its seems you dont know dfp very well lol

guiann commented 2 years ago

^^, thx a lot.

guiann commented 2 years ago

We had a slack discussion with spormeon. My issue is on my dfp setup, I still need to work on it. Thanks again spormeon. I'm closing it to avoid bothering prebid teams.