prebid / Prebid.js

Setup and manage header bidding advertising partners without writing code or confusing line items. Prebid.js is open source and free.
Apache License 2.0
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Prebid in the cloud ? #870

Closed Deimos01 closed 7 years ago

Deimos01 commented 7 years ago

Hello guys,

It is now one year since i've started using this amazing project. Actually, i reading more and more article about header bidding solution in the cloud (server-side).

Will this project evolve in this way ? I think it could be a good solution to reduce latency, prevent a bunch of client side errors, conflicts ... I already know the answer to that question but does this project need a lot of changes to be running on a server ?

Thank you,

mercuryyy commented 7 years ago


to answer your question someone actually commented this "What does it different then selling in RTB? Header bidding is "client side RTB" and there is also the classical server side RTB thats is working today. publishes that doesn't have in house the ability to sell in RTB ( from the server) are working with the SSP that enable this."

which is 100% accurate, why do we see much better results tho using client side RTB vs using SSP's we get access to teir 1 inventory while RTB done by the SSP does not. also because the networks in your prebid get to actually call the clients browser the prices jumps up vs using server side.

The only way this would work is if google decides to unify everything and create a server side header bidding container that will be adopted and accepted as a standard by all networks and even then they wont pay the same as client side because 3rd party advertisers wont get a chance to physically call on the users browser. Not to mention that google will never do that because they will lose billions

tedrand commented 7 years ago

@Deimos01 in addition to @mercuryyy comments, if server-to-server does become the popular thing to do, the API for that will in no way resemble a header-bidding wrapper.

mkendall07 commented 7 years ago

Prebid in the cloud or server 2 server is a bit different than traditional header bidding, as others have mentioned. Ideally, Prebid would support other S2S "Header Bidding" solutions but I don't foresee the project itself functioning in that capacity in the short term. Longer term it might be a possibility, depending on the industry trends, however, in it's current state it's not optimized to run on a server.