prebid / prebid-mobile-android

Prebid Mobile SDK for Android applications
Apache License 2.0
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Fix renderers key node on bid request #685

Closed github-lucas-bon closed 9 months ago

github-lucas-bon commented 9 months ago

This pull request is to solve the following issue:

This pull request intended to insert renderers on the following node path from the bid request: .ext.prebid.sdk.renderers

But the implementation did not match the expectation as you can see here, so the current state is .ext.sdk.renderers

YuriyVelichkoPI commented 9 months ago

Hi @github-lucas-bon !

In the server ticket the ext.prebid.sdk.renderers is discussed. And as for me, it makes sense and even necessary to put this extension into the prebid object.

If there are no other conversations or specs about using ext.sdk.renderers I believe you should create the PBS issue to follow the requirements in the original PBS ticket.

github-lucas-bon commented 9 months ago

Hi @github-lucas-bon !

In the server ticket prebid/prebid-server#2908 the ext.prebid.sdk.renderers is discussed. And as for me, it makes sense and even necessary to put this extension into the prebid object.

If there are no other conversations or specs about using ext.sdk.renderers I believe you should create the PBS issue to follow the requirements in the original PBS ticket.

@YuriyVelichkoPI in the ticket you mentioned the structure fixed here is the one that was pushed, here is where exactly it was pushed. The problem is that there was a mismatch between what was decided on PBS and what was implemented on PBM

YuriyVelichkoPI commented 9 months ago

Sorry, @github-lucas-bon, but I still do not understand.

In the pull request for PBS GO, the path is ext.prebid.sdk.renderers. As it discussed in the

So if the changes for PBS JAVA assume a different path - ext.sdk.renderers, it looks inconsistent. Both should follow the same spec.

What I'm missing here?

YuriyVelichkoPI commented 9 months ago

@github-lucas-bon , it looks like I understand my confusion.

Everything is fine PBS, and the expected path for both GO and GAVA is ext.prebid.sdk.renderers. But SDK uses ext.sdk.renderers to send the data.
