prebid / prebid-mobile-android

Prebid Mobile SDK for Android applications
Apache License 2.0
58 stars 82 forks source link

Need clarification about the usage of ID's #719

Open MobileDJX opened 7 months ago

MobileDJX commented 7 months ago

We already setup the prebid-server in our domain. The server is woking fine and Mobile SDK package also working. For example,

PrebidMobile.setPrebidServerAccountId("123456"); PrebidMobile.setCustomStatusEndpoint(""); PrebidMobile.setPrebidServerHost( Host.createCustomHost( "" ) );

Mentioned above, PrebidServerAccountId is not work. From my domain, where to find this PrebidServerAccountId and also need more detail about the below IDs and where to find and use.

private static final String AD_UNIT_ID = "/21808260008/prebid_demo_app_original_api_banner"; private static final String CONFIG_ID = "prebid-ita-banner-320-50";

jsligh commented 4 weeks ago