prebid / prebid-mobile-ios

Prebid Mobile SDK for iOS applications
Apache License 2.0
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Prebid SDK iOS does not send OpenRTB 'hwv' object #1012

Open takenorim opened 2 weeks ago

takenorim commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug I found Prebid SDK iOS does not send H/W information which is corresponding to hwv in terms of OpenRTB.

To Reproduce Use Charles iOS app to capture traffic from actual iPhone devices.

Expected behavior /device.hwv is sending to Prebid Server.

Additional context It looks the Prebid SDK iOS tries to read hardware information by the following legacy logic. But, this does not work (at least my environment). Can someone confirm it with iPhone/iPad devices, please?

The following is Apple's developer guide, I'm not sure whether hw.machine still works as expected at recent iOS versions and iPhone/iPad devices.

OlenaPostindustria commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @takenorim.

It turned out that the hwv field was not added to the request. I made a PR to fix this issue. The detection should work fine.