prebid / prebid-mobile-ios

Prebid Mobile SDK for iOS applications
Apache License 2.0
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Add Prebid Plugin Renderer #1021

Open github-richard-depierre opened 3 days ago

github-richard-depierre commented 3 days ago

Hello Prebid team, this pull request adds the Prebid Plugin Renderer on the Prebid iOS SDK repo. Just for recap, we had a meeting couple of months ago where we planned together that we would be implementing that for iOS to sync with how Android project is currently.

This feature is already in production for Android, you can find the Prebid docs explaining it here

I'm also adding diagrams below that describe at a high level how the feature is supposed to behave. Prebid Plugin Renderer diagrams

We appreciate if you could carefully review it since Android and iOS project are not quite the same in some aspects. Thanks.