prebid / prebid-mobile-ios

Prebid Mobile SDK for iOS applications
Apache License 2.0
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877 Supporting Arbitrary ORTB Params #956

Closed jsligh closed 4 months ago

jsligh commented 5 months ago



Old PR:

bretg commented 4 months ago

@YuriyVelichkoPI - you asked my review here -- was it just the issue about the possibility of specifying imps at the global level or something else?

YuriyVelichkoPI commented 4 months ago

Yes, I was asking about merge requirements. The current implementation relies on the correctness of the input and doesn't validate the RTB structure. In the current implementation the merge is based not on RTB but on JSON. Publishers can provide whatever they want. If we delegate all the final validation to the server in the current scope - ok, let's try.