prebid / prebid-mobile-ios

Prebid Mobile SDK for iOS applications
Apache License 2.0
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Fix device UA being empty on first bid request without blocking application #983

Closed OlenaPostindustria closed 1 month ago

OlenaPostindustria commented 1 month ago


OlenaPostindustria commented 1 month ago

Could you also measure the average, minimum, and maximum time for extracting the user agent string, as well as the number of errors per 1 million attempts from different web view instances?

The current solution does not have a timeout option, so we need to ensure that the value will be fetched reliably.

min - 0.0004010200500488281 s max - 0.521765947341919 s average - 0.0019949429631233215 s number of errors per 1 million attempts - 2

jsligh commented 1 month ago

@OlenaPostindustria Thank you so much for tackling this bug! I have merged the PR for fixing the tests so you should be able to rebase and then the tests should pass!

jsligh commented 1 month ago