prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
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OpenRTB support: Bid cache #216

Closed dbemiller closed 6 years ago

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

The /openrtb2/auction endpoint needs to support sending bids to the cache.

Right now, I don't think we have a good enough sense of the cache's use-cases to build a quality feature here. This is the fundamental tradeoff:

If the cache behavior needs to be "chosen", because different behaviors have equal merit, then we have two options:

However... I also want to note the following, which we should take very seriously:

To grow this project smoothly, our goal should be to identify the fewest "choices" necessary to encourage adoption on both sides.

These are things to consider:

These are some deficiencies in the /auction endpoint's cache behavior. Ideally, we can do it better in openrtb2/auction.

@bretg and @mjacobsonny might want to discuss this. At the moment, I don't think it's fleshed out well enough for much useful engineering work to be done.

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

Got an interesting suggestion today from someone trying to help simplify the "what to cache?" options.

It was: always cache the entire OpenRTB bid. Expose GET endpoints on the cache so that people can query a subset of the info.

So for example:

GET fetch just the ad markup GET fetch the entire JSON bid

This would basically reduce the complexity of prebid-server, at the expense of prebid-cache.

Not saying it's a great idea... but it doesn't seem like a bad one, and it's creative enough I thought I'd mention it.

mkendall07 commented 6 years ago

Interesting concept but doesn't that that assume JSON is the structure? Also we are storing a lot of stuff we probably won't ever need.

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

yeah... we talked about storing stuff we don't need, but the rest of the Bid is tiny compared to the creative markup.

I am concerned about the JSON structure requirement, though. In order to return a Content-Type: application/xml page, either PBC would need to know about the adm field specifically, or the GET API would have to let clients tell PBC which format they expected for the response.

Another concern came to mind after thinking about it some more:

Overall... I'm not too crazy with this idea. It seems to make things a tiny bit simpler for PBS, but much more complex for PBC.

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

I think I've got something reasonable which hits all the use-cases. Originally, we can add an option like this inside bidrequest.ext.prebid:

  "cache": {
    "bids": {
      "winners": true,
      "deals": true

bids is required, but winners and deals are optional. By default, we will only cache "winners".

Depending on which use-cases makes sense in the future, we can expand the API to something like this without introducing any breaking changes:

  "cache": {
    "vastxml": {
      "winners": true,
      "deals": true,
      "all": true,
      "cpmfloor": 0.01
    "bids": {
      "winners": true,
      "deals": true,
      "all": true,
      "cpmfloor": 0.01

Whenever we introduce vastxml, bids will become optional and only one of bids or vastxml will be required. vastxml would describes which bids will have just their adm stored as XML strings.

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

Per the discussion in #199, cpmfloor is not needed. Bids which round to $0.00 CPM should not be cached, even if they're "winners" or "deals".

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

per some more discussion with @mjacobsonny, I learned some things. Today, Prebid publishers expect:

hb_uuid -- applies to the top overall bid for each Imp hb_uuid_{bidder} -- applies to the top bid from {bidder} for each Imp

There is a problem with this today. There is no good support for a Bidder who makes two bids on the same Imp for separate Deals. It was proposed to add a new key to support this:

hb_uuid_{dealId} -- applies to every bid with a DealID

However, he also described a business use-case for hb_uuid_{bidder} even if there aren't Deal IDs.

So... it's my opinion that improving Deal support should be a future improvement. Since we're not deprecating hb_uuid or hb_uuid_bidder, and the Deal support proposal wouldn't cause breaking changes to the API, there's absolutely no reason to worry about them now.

All that in mind... this is the behavior I implemented:

  "cache": {
    "bids": {
      // This is an object, but no options exist yet. Some may be added in the future

This will apply hb_uuid and hb_uuid_{bidder} to the bids as described above.

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

One last-minute change to this before merge... we replaced hb_uuid with hb_cache_id.

Besides just being a better name, this will save existing Prebid Mobile publishers from having to update their DFP creatives when they switch to OpenRTB.