prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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I cant make the prebid-server to work. #24

Closed photonx closed 7 years ago

photonx commented 7 years ago

I have created two examples: one that makes header bidding without prebid-server and a second one with it. The first test without prebid-server works fine, but the second one doesn't.

At the first call of the prebid-server auction url the response sends an url for user sync but prebid.js doesn't make the sync so i manually called the url returned by prebid-server/auction.

After i did this i receive from prebid-server auction this response


This is the prebid-server config added at the second example: pbjs.setS2SConfig({ accountId: '2d749ec2-6a1d-4205-bf6b-5dd8d41386f9', enabled: true, bidders: ['appnexus'], timeout: 1000, endpoint: '' });

Another thing i saw is that you have to add '/auction' to the endpoint in order to work. i'm not sure that this is intended or not.

I don't know if there is something wrong with the prebid-server or with my prebid.js configuration that the prebid server example doesn't work as expected.

Without PrebidServer

With PrebidServer

mkendall07 commented 7 years ago

Are you running the latest code from master for prebid server? The user sync worked for me BTW on your example, and now receiving the same no bid response.

photonx commented 7 years ago

yes. today i updated it.

mkendall07 commented 7 years ago

you can add is_debug true on the pbjs => pbs request (see here ).

Also you can add ?debug_member=${member}&dongle=${dongle} to the /openrtb2 endpoint to get the debug auction.

photonx commented 7 years ago

I have done the debug modification and the response from debug is that the auction is winning but the response from prebid-server remain the same no_bid:true. {"tid":"4fa71a3e-824f-47e5-a718-ce0078637ecc","status":"OK","bidder_status":[{"bidder":"appnexus","response_time_ms":9,"no_bid":true,"debug":[{"request_uri":"","request_body":"{"id":"4fa71a3e-824f-47e5-a718-ce0078637ecc","imp":[{"id":"doNotChange","banner":{"w":300,"h":250,"format":[{"w":300,"h":250}]},"ext":{"appnexus":{"placement_id":11397800}}},{"id":"doNotChange","banner":{"w":300,"h":250,"format":[{"w":300,"h":250}]},"ext":{"appnexus":{"placement_id":11397805}}}],"site":{"domain":"","page":""},"device":{"ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36","ip":""},"user":{"id":"1445660839455253952","buyeruid":"1445660839455253952"},"at":1,"tmax":1000,"source":{"fd":1,"tid":"4fa71a3e-824f-47e5-a718-ce0078637ecc"}}","status_code":204}]}]}

Here is the response from the debug response.

Tag #0: Auction 4962992511257319440 result: EXCLUSIVE

Winning bid (CPM) gross price: $1.0000 Winning bid (CPM) net price $1.0000, biased price $1.0000 Soft floor: $1.000 Final second price: $1.0000 Bid shading price: $1.0000 Bidder 2 Member 2579 creative 68869969 has the highest net bid: $1.000 Tag #1: Auction 6447974757804636509 result: EXCLUSIVE Winning bid (CPM) gross price: $1.0000 Winning bid (CPM) net price $1.0000, biased price $1.0000 Soft floor: $1.000 Final second price: $1.0000 Bid shading price: $1.0000 Bidder 2 Member 2579 creative 68870040 has the highest net bid: $1.000

cinashp commented 7 years ago

@photonx Did you manage to get this working? I am facing the same issue.

bokelley commented 7 years ago

Hi there - I think this might be because the IP getting passed to prebid server is in the private range. Could be because you're testing locally? AppNexus as a bidder will automatically reject IP addresses that are invalid. I'm going to close this b/c it's not a prebid server issue.

vishalgarale commented 7 years ago

I am also facing the same issue.

bokelley commented 7 years ago

@vishalgarale if you paste in the debug call we can take a look - can you check and make sure the IP is a real one?

465730396 commented 4 years ago

能给我一个完整的prebid 例子吗,为啥官方给的例子和源代码没法对应上去呢 Can you give me a complete prebid example, for the official example and the source code can't correspond?