prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Support For OpenRTB 2.6-202211 #2442

Closed SyntaxNode closed 10 months ago

SyntaxNode commented 1 year ago

OpenRTB 2.x is changing to a monthly release cadence, as needed. The first monthly release will be for November 2022 with the version designation of "OpenRTB 2.6-202211". This so far includes

The 2.6 spec is now available at with 2.6-202211 features represented as PRs.

We already have issue to cover the implementation details of GPP. The Imp-Level Exposure Time is likely just a new field we need to add (imp[].etime).

DOOH will require more effort since PBS has a fair amount of "if app, else site" logic. At a minimum we'll need to add and enforce a new dooh capability along side app and site. Adapters logic is likely fine if we keep dooh support disabled by default so adapters can still safely rely on their "if app, else site" logic. We'll need to find ad update those kind of checks in core functionality.

SyntaxNode commented 1 year ago

It doesn't look like imp[].ext.tid will be promoted to imp[].tid in this release.

bretg commented 1 year ago

The GPP work will be done as part of

We need to wait for the IAB to finalize the dooh and etime fields before considering this ready-for-dev.

minaguib commented 1 year ago

Note: The IAB announced November 29th they are moving away from big release versions to incremental updates that facilitate key feature discussion and propagation.

On December 7th the OpenRTB spec was updated to include DOOH support (announcement)

Key to DOOH support is:

I would love PBS team feedback on incorporating the above. I generally agree with @SyntaxNode's assessment. Specifically I envision:

Note that the "site or app" challenge is not limited to Prebid - the entire OpenRTB ecosystem has had this single "if" engrained for too long - care must be taken for all processors of BidRequests to accommodate the now 3rd mutually exclusive case of DOOH.

SyntaxNode commented 1 year ago

Thank you @minaguib for your input on Digital Out Of Home (DOOH).

PBS-Go uses the prebid/openrtb library which is the official continuation of mxmCherry/openrtb. The prebid/openrtb library fully supports all OpenRTB 2.6-202211 fields including DOOH. However, Prebid Server is not yet aware of DOOH in the same way it is for App and Site. Let's consider this the kick off.

I'm working on this today for PBS-Go to determine exactly which areas of code are impacted.

Adapter code involving "site or app" will not be affected because each adapter already has to opt-in to support specific inventory types via the bidder configuration. Adapters will only receive requests for inventory types they support. When we add the DOOH inventory type all of the adapters will default to not supporting it and continue to work with just app and site.

SyntaxNode commented 1 year ago

OpenRTB 2.6-202211 was not yet finalized when this issue was created and there were a few unexpected changes. Here's the complete list:

We have separate issues for tracking

The only other remaining new field we haven't yet discussed is inventorypartnerdomain and if there is any logic for PBS to perform in relation.

bretg commented 10 months ago

resolved with PBS-Java 2.1