prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Rubicon cookie sync not working in local/custom prebid server #272

Closed alexmrf closed 6 years ago

alexmrf commented 6 years ago

As far as i understand, in the cookie sync phase, when prebid-server detects that the user does not have a cookie relation between rubicon and the user makes a request to a rubicon endpoint:

This endpoint responds with a redirect:

I guess that this redirect sets the user uid in the prebid-server but instead of sending it to my local prebid-server is sending it to the one hosted by adnxs.

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

@DucChau Does Rubicon's usersync endpoint have some way to accept the PBS domain as an argument?

If so, you'll just need to overwrite the default config value. If not, Rubicon will need to make their endpoint more flexible before anything can be done in PBS.

DucChau commented 6 years ago

@alexmrf Rubicon Project supports the redirection. We require companies looking to do cookie syncing with us to register their redirect URL with us. After you register the URL we will hand you a key that you can use in the "p" parameter of the sync URL.


  1. you register with us
  2. we tell you the key is "foo"
  3. when called will set the uid and redirect to the URL you registered with us in step 1 ( with the uid

You can send an email to to register your redirect URL with us.

@bretg per your suggestion, we should document this step somewhere.

dbemiller commented 6 years ago

For now, how about docs/developers/bidders/ Or maybe just docs/bidders/

Other bidders can put their own special instructions in similarly named files.

alexmrf commented 6 years ago

@DucChau Thank you very much! We will do so.

DucChau commented 6 years ago

I like docs/bidders/ since I feel like it can be a catch all for all things exchange related...versus just developer centric notes.

bretg commented 6 years ago

Thanks @dbemiller