prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
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Support cache ttl for audio and native #2980

Open bretg opened 1 year ago

bretg commented 1 year ago

PBS supports different cache lengths for mediatypes banner and video. Should we consider splitting this out to support native and audio?

In considering this for issue, I realized that our cache length ought to be capped by the bidder's ORTB exp parameter. Perhaps we're already doing this?

bretg commented 1 year ago

Discussed in backlog meeting:

SyntaxNode commented 1 year ago

PBS-Go already allows default cache values to be defined for all media types (banner, video, audio, native) and the exp field is already taken into consideration during cache length calculation.

bretg commented 12 months ago

Discussed in committee

PBS-Java uses different config for banner/video that will be deprecated.

bretg commented 9 months ago

Working with the Java team, this is the order of how the cache length is determined:

  1. bid.exp
  2. corresponding imp.exp
  3. ext.prebid.cache.{bids/vastxml}.ttlseconds
  4.{banner/video}-cache-ttl - deprecated. To be removed in a future major release.
  5. cache.{banner/video}-ttl-seconds - deprecated. To be removed in a future major release.

To these, PBS-Java will add the config that PBS-Go has at

  1. cache.default_ttl_seconds.{banner,video,native,audio}