prebid / prebid-server

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PBS AMP endpoint support for GPP #3577

Open bretg opened 6 months ago

bretg commented 6 months ago

AMP has added support for GPP consent as described in

The design is that RTC vendor strings will be enhanced to pass one more additional value:


In addition to this new field, two existing fields can take new values: if the consent_type field is 4, then the consent_string value is formatted as a GPP string.

So basically this issue an extension to the original AMP consent issue

  1. If consent_type==4
    1. if the consent_string query string parameter is present, copy the the value as a string to ORTB regs.gpp.
    2. if the gpp_sid query string parameter is present, check that the value is a comma-separated list of numbers and if so, copy the value as a string to ORTB regs.gpp_sid. If the validation fails, regs.gpp_sid should be empty.
    3. If in debug mode, any URL decode or validation issue should be emitted as a warning.

Note: GPP strings are supposed to be URL safe, so no decoding should be necessary.

bretg commented 6 months ago

FYI - the rubicon callout-vendor file update at