prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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call another prebid-server through prebid-server #3637

Closed matthieularere-msq closed 4 months ago

matthieularere-msq commented 4 months ago

For many reasons, I have the need to get my custom prebid-server called by a publisher's self prebid-server.

I considered doing it by creating a dedicated adapter for my prebid-server creates but this introduce an issue with the user sync as what I would need is to forward the cookie UIDs from the publisher's prebid-server to my one and not only one bidder from it.

So my question would be to know which would be the best solution to make an adapter being able to read the various user ids availabe in the Uids cookie if possible at all ? I guess it could be done using modules but I wondered if a more core integrated solution could exist ?

bretg commented 4 months ago

Discussed in committee. This is not something we would encourage in the open source product. You could build a (private) module to do something at the entrypoint stage - this stage has access to the HTTP headers, and you could do something to copy them to somewhere your mediasquare adapter has access to. We don't think it's generally correct to pass all bidder IDs to all bidders, though, so please don't do that. You should check with your lawyers about the privacy regulation scenarios. e.g. should your module check for Purpose 4 consent before forwarding? What about if COPPA flag is set? We advise caution when dealing with IDs.

If the entrypoint stage is not ideal, it would be ok to update the module infrastructure to pass HTTP headers into the raw auction stage.

bretg commented 4 months ago

@matthieularere-msq - any thoughts before this week's Prebid Server committee meeting?

matthieularere-msq commented 4 months ago

Hi @bretg I'll go for the private module solution at the entrystage. I'll make sure to forward the cookie only to my bidder when its tcf purposes are consented as per your advice. Thanks