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Enhance module framework to support A/B testing #3681

Open bretg opened 1 month ago

bretg commented 1 month ago

Rather than have each module support an ability to A/B test, it would be convenient for PBS-core to support enabling modules in a partial way.

We need to work out the syntax and the analytics.

bsardo commented 1 month ago

The PBS-Go team is curious what A/B testing strategy is being used and whether this is something that applies to all modules or not.

bretg commented 1 month ago

what A/B testing strategy is being used

Just a simple run-or-not-run strategy. I suppose it would be more powerful to allow for different configurations (e.g. timeouts, cache sizes, etc), but the main point here is to be able to know whether it's worthwhile paying a given vendor at all, not to fine-tune the behavior. If their system is complicated enough to need that kind of tuning, they should include their own A/B testing facility inline to their module.

Here's a rough proposed implementation.

  1. Enable A/B test in the execution plan object.

The test is enabled at the module-level, not the hook level.

    "hooks": {
        "modules": {
            "my-module": {
                 "params-seen-by-module": { ... }
        "execution-plan": {
            "abtests": [{
              "module-code": "my-module",
              "enabled": true,
              "percent-active": 5,
              "log-analytics-tag": true
               ... abtest config for other modules ...
            "endpoints": {
                "/openrtb2/auction": {
  1. PBS-Core logs analytics tags

If any abtests object is enabled and flagged with log-analytics-tag as true, PBS would log an atag activity object

   activities: [{
     name: "core-module-abtests",
     status: "success",
     results: [{                      // one results object for each module in the abtests object
         "status": STATUS,  // "run" or "skipped"
         "values": {
             "module": "my-module"
          ... the status of other abtest decisions ...
  1. Analytics adapters can look for the 'core-module-abtests' activity

I think they can do what they need to with this data, which is just to log to their endpoint whether a given module was active or not.

justadreamer commented 1 month ago

Please consider a simplification:

  1. Instead of using a distinct abtests object under the execution-plan - perhaps it may be enough to just specify a single rollout_fraction parameter under each module, like:
    "hooks": {
        "modules": {
            "my-module": {
                "enabled": true
                "rollout_fraction": 0.5 // a float between 0.0 and 1.0
                "params-seen-by-module": { ... }

rollout_fraction is treated as a p parameter for a simple Bernoulli(p) distribution (with discrete 0 or 1 outcomes) from which we'd sample whether to run the module for this particular request or not..

  1. The analytics log already records HookExecutionOutcome which would contain the module if it was run. Thus can be used instead of analytics tag as a marker of the treatment variant. If the module was not run for a given request - we'd simply not have it listed in the HookExecutionOutcome which would indicate the control variant. Other custom markers including custom analytics tags may be used and are subject to the particular module implementation.

This of course works only if HookExecutionOutcome is picked up by the analytics pipeline and transferred to the data warehouse to be used as part of further analysis including A/B test results, which seems to be a reasonable assumption to make.

Thus the whole thing comes down to implementing rollout_fraction as an optional module config param and associated decision making logic based on sampling from a Bernoulli(rollout_fraction) distribution.

jwrosewell commented 1 month ago

If this were done via HTTP headers then Content Security Policy might provide a pattern to emulate substituting domain name for module common name for the module's key. The name of the header could be Prebid-Config.

bretg commented 3 weeks ago

In general I'd prefer to put core control mechanisms in a place where the module code can't see it.

I get that the 'enabled' field is an exception. I believe the module can see everything under I don't want to add another level (e.g. params-seen-by-module) because we already have existing modules in the wild that don't put things there.

So we'd need to come with a reserved word where we place PBS-core control functionality. e.g.