prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
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Bizzclick: rename bizzclick to blasto #3688

Closed BizzClick closed 6 hours ago

BizzClick commented 1 month ago

Bizzclick has a big update, we are officially changing our name to blasto.

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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onkarvhanumante commented 1 month ago


Consider adding blasto in DisabledBidderWarningMessages map.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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SyntaxNode commented 1 week ago

@BizzClick There was a comment on a similar PR recently where @bretg strongly felt the bizzclick name should rename active for a transition period unless there is literally zero current traffic. Is this the case for you? Does bizzclick currently receive no traffic?

bretg commented 1 week ago

BizzClick commented 1 week ago

@SyntaxNode @bretg yes, bizzclick now has no traffic from pbs. Should i use aliasOf: "blasto" in existing bizzclick adapter? I would prefer to rename the existing adapter with mentioning that it used to be bizzclick.

bretg commented 1 week ago

Should i use aliasOf: "blasto" in existing bizzclick adapter?

@BizzClick - yes, that is the guideline. Adding an alias differs in PBS-Go and PBS-Java. See

I would prefer to rename the existing adapter with mentioning that it used to be bizzclick.

If you are 110% sure that not a single Prebid Server host company is using your adapter, then ok. But if anyone is using bizzclick, changing the name is going to break them when they upgrade and then people are going to get mad at Prebid for you changing your name. There are probably at least 50 companies using Prebid Server... how can you be sure that no one has enabled your adapter?

BizzClick commented 1 week ago

@bretg i'm 110% sure about that and it was considered before renaming. In any case someone from PBS community can contact our business team via email to confirm this.

bretg commented 1 week ago

i'm 110% sure about that

Very well.

bsardo commented 3 days ago

LGTM except for the YAML file update with respect to regional endpoints. We would also need to see another docs PR opened to capture the regional endpoint details.

github-actions[bot] commented 9 hours ago

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BizzClick commented 9 hours ago

@bsardo sure, here's related PR