prebid / prebid-server

Open-source solution for running real-time advertising auctions in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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OwnAdx: Add cookie sync #3713

Closed ownAdx-prebid closed 6 days ago

ownAdx-prebid commented 1 month ago

We are going to compatible for Cookie sync

ownAdx-prebid commented 2 weeks ago

@onkarvhanumante As per request we are make changes . Can i know if required more changes

gargcreation1992 commented 2 weeks ago

@ownAdx-prebid Build pipeline is failing. Unable to parse ownadx.yaml file. Please check and fix. you can run prebid in your local using - go build . && ./prebid-server --stderrthreshold=WARNING -v=2 and see if it compiles.

ownAdx-prebid commented 1 week ago

We compile project on local, and find... 1) As per our previous discussion we removed double quotes on User Macro value. But because of that we get following error, " F0618 11:23:29.323207 64890 main.go:37] Unable to load bidder configurations: error parsing config for bidder ownadx.yaml: yaml: unmarshal errors: line 17: cannot unmarshal !!map into string "

2) So we again add the double quotes on user macro value please verify.